Chapter 35

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Hey guys! So sorry! I haven't updated in AGES. Anyway, I know you must be thinking 'Ummm, aren't Arianna and Jade meant to be at school and why hasn't Jade been recognised as 'the kidnapped girl' and stuff like that.

I'd just like to say that this is fiction, so please keep an open mind. Also, this story will probably be about I dunno, 70? chapters long. I'm not good at estimating this sort of thing so I might be wrong!

And if you're wondering, I imagine Josh to look like Zac Efron :) hehe

Love you guys! Thanks for reading! Mwah xx

~~~~~Jade's POV:~~~~~

"And then he was just like "Woah!" And I was like "Yeah, who's the man now?" Josh finishes his story.

I burst out laughing, even though the story wasn't that funny. I'm pretty sure that I've had a bit much to drink. Actually, I can't remember how many drinks I've had. Josh and I have been talking for ages. He's a super nice guy.

"Do you want me to take you home now?" Josh asks me.

"Yeah, that would be good." I say, stumbling off my high bar seat and heading out the door.

Josh leads my drunken self to a sleek white Mercedes. I glance back down the street and notice that Jade's little car is gone from in front of the bar. This makes me frown. Thanks alot Jade, I think, as Josh helps me into the car.

"Where we heading?" he asks me, as he pulls out into the road.

I quickly tell him the address.


He turns the radio on and 'Livin' On a Prayer' by Bon Jovi comes on. I start humming along, embarrassing myself even more than I already had.

"You like this song?" Josh asks me, noticing my enthusiastic humming.

I nod. "I like old American rock."

"I'm into Bon Jovi too." Josh says.


"Yeah. My dad listened to his music alot."

Even in my drunkenness, I notice the sadness in his voice and the use of past tense.

"Listened?" I say softly, scared that I may be intruding too far into his privacy.

He hesitates.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to-" I start.

"No, no. It's ok. I'll tell you. I'm pretty sure I can trust you."

By this time, we had arrived at Perrie and Zayn's house. Josh had parked just outside the front door.

"He died when I was 11." I can see Josh's eyes start to shine with suppressed tears.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, and lean over the gear box to give him a big hug. He hugs me back as I pat his back comfortingly.

"Shh," I whisper into his ear.

Josh pulls back and looks me in the eyes.

"Thank you," he whispers.

Then softly but sweetly, he leans towards me. As his lips  touch mine, a tingling feeling rushes through my body, making me shiver.

Oh my God! I bet you won't believe it, but I'm turning 17 in 5 days and this is my first kiss! I've always been scared that when I did have my first kiss, I wouldn't know what to do. But I needn't have worried, as everything happens naturally.

Finally, I pull away reluctantly. "I should be going inside" I say.

"Yeah." Josh mumbles.

He gets out of the car, opens my door and lifts me out bridal style. He sets me down on the doorstep.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now" Josh says.

"Yeah. See ya!" I give him one more hug before he gets back into his car. I'm still smiling as I watch the white car being swallowed up by the darkness.

I ring the door bell and wait. I glance at my watch. It's only 10pm!

A worried-looking Perrie opens the door.

"There you are Jade!" she exclaims, as I walk past her. "We were so worried when Jade came back without you!"

As I have mastered my heels, and don't need the walking stick anymore, I walk in confidently. Jade rushes up to me.

"I'm so sorry Jade! Sam and I got a bit carried away and I forgot com-"

"Nope!" I interrupt her. "I want to thank you Jade!"

Jade looks surprised.

"I think you've had a bit much to drink," she says.

"No, that's the face of a girl in love!" Jesy inputs.

"Watch out for the resident love expert!" I joke and head towards the stairs.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Jesy calls.

I spin around and survey the whole group. I notice that the boys are still here.

"His name's Josh. Josh Bande I think he said." Then I strut up the stairs, delighting in the fact that I might have my first boyfriend.

~~~~~Arianna's POV:~~~~~

We sit in silence for a minute after we hear Jade's bedroom door close.

As soon as Jade had walked in through that front door, I had kept my eyes glued on Niall.

I saw his face drop, and it nearly broke my heart, when Jade admitted she was in love, with another guy.

I wanted to just shout at her, telling her that there was someone here who's heart was breaking. Breaking fast because of her.

But I know that Jade isn't doing it on purpose. She has no idea of Niall's feelings towards her. Jade's not a mean person, she would never do something like this on purpose.

"Josh Bande!" Jesy hisses.

"Who the hell is this Bande guy?" Harry, who is sitting next to me, asks.

Leigh-Anne sighs.

"Boys don't know anything!" she says. "Josh Bande is son to the famous, italian billionaire, Simon Bande. Josh is set to be one of the richest men in the world when he inherits."

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