Chapter 29

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~~~~~Jade’s POV:~~~~~

I was so surprised to see Arianna running towards me, and I still felt slightly bitter towards her. But I decided to put those feelings behind me and hugged her back. By this time, my period pains were overpowering me.

Perrie and Arianna took me to a house and Arianna supported me as we walked up to the front door. Five boys stared at us as we walked in.

Suddenly, a wave of pain hit me, worse than any I had had so far. I collapsed onto my knees and I just saw someone running out of the room and four people rushing towards me before I blacked out.


I wake up in a soft bed with wires all around and on me. Sun streams through the big window. It feels so good to see the sky when you wake up.

I look around at the people sitting around my bed, looking at me. Arianna, Perrie and Zayn look down at me as I wake up properly.

“Good morning sweetie!” Perrie says and Zayn smiles at me as she continues. “We’ll leave you two to it.”

Perrie and Zayn leave the room, leaving me staring at Arianna. She looks sheepish and we endure a long silence. I want to break silence but I don’t know what to say.

“How are you?” she starts.

“Good but hungry.” I say and she chuckles.

“I’ll find a nurse and see if she can get you some food. You certainly need as much as you can get!” she leaves the room and I use the time alone to think through everything. I find it really hard thinking about my time in that dingy apartment, so I don’t think about it.

Arianna comes back with a tray. I sit up straight away but slide back down when the pain hits me.

“Be careful!” she says. “They gave you medicine, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have any pain at all!” She then puts the tray on my lap and I start forking bits of lasagne into my mouth. Zayn and Perrie come back into the room. Taking in how quickly I was eating my food, Zayn laughed.

“You look a bit better now!” he says. I grin at him, but carry on eating at super-speed. When there is nothing left on my plate, I sigh.

“That’s better!” I say rubbing my tummy.

At that moment, a nurse comes in.

“Jade?” she asks.


“You are allowed to be discharged this morning.” She smiles as my face lights up.

Then she turns to Perrie and Zayn. “She is to be kept on the medication for 7 days and make sure she eats lots!”

“I can make sure of that myself!” I interrupt. I see Zayn trying to hold in his laughter. I like Zayn, he seems really nice.

It turns out that Perrie had brought some clothes for me to come home in. She handed me a pair of skinny jeans, a sleeveless chiffon top and a pair of ugg boots. The nurse had to help me to get changed, as I was still very weak and pains hit me every now and then.

~~~~~Zayn’s POV:~~~~~

When Jade and the nurse come out of the bathroom, Jade smiles cheekily at us. She walks slowly to us.

“Wait a moment Jade!” the nurse suddenly says. She disappears and soon comes back with a walking stick. Jade’s face drops.

“But-But I’ll look like an old lady!” she complains.

“You need it! That’s the main thing.” The nurse says sternly.

Jade looks at me for help, but I shake my head smirking. She pouts at me and turns back around to face the nurse.

“Okay, fine! I’ll take it.”

The nurse handed her the walking stick. She leaned on it and I let out a laugh. She spun round on her walking stick, making it even more funny, and glared at me. We left the hospital, with her still in a huff and a puff.

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