Chapter 44

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~~Arianna's POV:~~

The silence is a bit too long for my liking. I hear Niall in the background, yelling at Harry to tell him what's going on.

"Harry! What should I do? I don't know what's going to happen to Jade and I'm scared," I burst into tears. "And w-what if this time we're not s-so lu-"

"Ari! Just stay calm, OK? We'll be there in a few minutes. I'll call the police on the way. Don't worry, everything will be ok in the end," Harry reassures me.

"Ok," I whisper and I hear the phone being hung up at the other end.

Minutes later, I hear multiple cars driving up the driveway. I rush to the door and fling it open, only to be faced by three police officers.

"Hello," one of them greets me. "Is this the house where a reported kidnapping took place?"

"Y-yes," I stutter.

The second police officer takes out a notebook and holds a pen at the ready.

"We are going to ask you a few questions, are you willing to answer them?"

I nodd.

"Did you witness this reported kidnapping?"

"Yes," I repeat.

"Did you see what the kidnapper looked like?"

"No, it was too dark."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see three familiar figures running up to us.

"Do you know who these people are?" the police officer asks, as Harry, Niall and Louis approach us.

They are given an answer when I practically throw myself onto Harry.

"Just a few more questions, miss," the police officer tells me. I reluctantly pull myself away from Harry and turn to him.

"Name of the victim?"

"Jade Houston," I say.

"But wasn't she kidnapped only weeks ago?" Wow, this guy's onto it.

"It's a long story, " I mumble, but end up telling them anyway.

"So she never told you about where she was held 'prisoner'?" the third police officer asks after I've finished.

I shake my head.

"Did you notice maybe what kind of car the kidnapper used in his or her getaway, maybe it's numberplate?"

"Yes, I got the numberplate," I say. "It was, umm it was-" Oh dear God no. Please don't say I've forgotten it! I rattle my brain trying to remember it and come up lucky. "Wait! I've got it! It was RA17498."

"That will help us greatly, miss. Is there anything else that you can tell us that may be useful for our investigation?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure the kidnapper was a guy, not a girl because he said something. I think it was something about how she shouldn't have thought she could get away that easily? I don't even know if that's right, but I'm sure of one thing: I didn't recognise his voice, I'd never heard it before."

"Thank you for answering our questions, miss. Is it ok with you that we search around the compound for clues that might help us solve this case?"

"Of course! Go right ahead," I say.

The police officers leave the front door and Harry leads me back inside, followed by Niall and Louis.

"What a night!" Harry sighs as he flops down onto one of the couches in the living room. I'm still pacing around, while Louis has headed off to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate and Niall is sitting in a one-seater couch opposite Harry.

What is going to happen to Jade? What if we never find her? What if? What if?

"Ari, calm down. The police are working on the case and there's nothing else we can do," Harry tells me matter-o-factly.

I'm about to tell him that it's not as easy as that, when Niall's phone beeps indicating that he has received a text.

Taking his phone out of his jeans pocket, a look of surprise appears on his face.

"It's from you, Arianna," he says looking up at me.

"What?" I rack my brain for a reason for this. I certainly didn't send him a text.

Sudden realisation dawns on me.

"Omigosh! What does it say? Jade has my phone! It might be her! Maybe we can find her!" I say excitedly, all in one breath.


I'm sorry-I think this is another short one :( I hope you guys are enjoying the story :)

Some of you said that you think the kidnapper is Josh-are you still sure about that??

Hopefully another update tomorrow :)


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