Chapter 36

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~~~~~Arianna's POV:~~~~~

"Does she know about his-err, status?" Harry asks.

Nobody says anything.

Then I shrug. 

"For some reason, I don't think so." I start.

"And even if she did, Jade's not the sort of person to go after someone just because they're going to inherit millions when they hit 21."

Perrie, Jesy and Louis nodd their heads.

"You know what? I'll go up and ask her. Instead of all of us just sitting here, guessing about what she does and doesn't know, I'll go up and ask her straight!" I state suddenly.

"No, don't Arianna. She probably doesn't want to talk about stuff like that." Jade says.

I feel some sort of anger building up inside my body.

"Look! I know you just want to care for her and everything, but she's my best friend and I've known her for 13 years! I think I would know when she doesn't want to talk!"

With that I get up from my spot next to Harry and stomp up the stairs to Jade's room.

I know they will talk about me downstairs but I don't care. Jade is my best friend. I've known her nearly all my life. I've lived in the room right next to hers nearly all my life. We are so close, we are basically sisters. But does she still feel the same way towards me?

I think back to the time when I accepted Perrie and Zayn's offer for adoption. When Jade was so angry with me. I remember her face when I walked out of the orphanage's door. Different emotions had played over it. Sadness, bitterness and disappointment at how I had betrayed her. I don't think she has forgiven me. I can still see the slight bitterness in her smile and I can hear it in her laugh. Maybe I just have to give her time to get over it. But is it really as simple as that?

~~~~~Jade's POV:~~~~~

I'm in my bed, reading a magazine when a knock comes at the door.

"It's Arianna!" I hear her say.

"Come in!"

She opens the door and looks in.

"I still wish I had your room!" she says and I laugh as I sit up.

Arianna sits down on the end of my bed.

"I've got things to ask you and things to tell you." she starts. "Firstly, I want to ask if you know who this Josh guy is."

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Okay, you don't know."

"I don't know what?"

"Who he is."

"Who is he?" I ask, slightly panicked.

"He's the son of a famous italian billonaire called Simon Bande."

My mouth opens and I sit there stunned.

"But his father died so he- he-"

"Yup. He's set to inherit billions when he turns 21."

"Omigosh." I say, lying back down. "This will just make everything more awkward."

Arianna sighs. "I just want to tell you to be careful Jade. Don't just rush into things headfirst!"

"I know, I know!" I sigh too. "I'll be careful! I'll look both ways before I cross the road!"

Arianna laughs. "Yeah, you're sensible enough Jade."

I fake shock. "Enough? I'm more sensible than you, young lady!"

"I never said you weren't!" she pokes her tongue out at me.

We sit in silence for a while.

"My love life is getting heated up!" I joke, breaking the silence.

"So is mine!" Arianna says.

"What?" I ask, shocked.

She smiles, suddenly shy. "I haven't told you yet but-"

"Yes?" I prompt her as she hesitates.

"Harry asked me out!" She squeaks.

"Omigod! Seriously?" I ask, incredulously.


"That's so cool!" I say, hugging her hard. "My little girl's growing up!"

"Jade! I'm only 3 months younger than you!"

I just laugh.

"This calls for celebration!" I say. "Go and pop some popcorn and bring it up here!"

It's her turn to laugh, then she glances at my clock. It's 11pm.

"Ooh! I'll get some chocolate biscuits and chips and stuff too and we can have like, a late-night feast! And then we can have a sleepover in your room!"

"You're mind is still young, young one!" I say.

Arianna looks up at me with puppy eyes. 

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" she asks.

"Fine!" I giggle. "Go and get as much food as you can carry!"

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