Chapter 46

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~~Arianna's POV~~

"What did I miss?" Louis repeats, sipping on his hot chocolate.

No one answers him, nor moves, until I jump at Niall, snatch his phone and run outside.

Now, you're probably wondering what I'm doing and don't worry, I haven't suddenly gone cray cray.

I rush out of the front door with Niall's iPhone held up high, and run headfirst into one of the police officers.

"Woah, woah! What's your hurry?" he asks me, holding my shoulders with his gloved hands.

"The phone," I puff, holding out Niall's phone. Wow, I'm really unfit. "Jade-texted-can-can you."

"Trace it? Sure can," the police officer reads my mind. "May I?" he reaches for the phone. I nod, letting him take it, just as a familiar mini cooper drives up.

"What's going on?" Perrie asks as she jumps out of the car.

~~Jade's POV:~~

I'm trying to make light of my situation, but it's not working. My headache still rages on in my skull and I'm freezing cold, thanks to my skirt and lack of a jacket and shoes.

I stare at the phone and swipe the screen to find lots of apps. I sigh as I wonder why Arianna doesn't put them into organised folders-there's my self-diagnosed OCD kicking in again.

I flick through all the games-Angry Birds, uh no-that game frustrates me. Flappy Bird-omg don't even get me started. Finally I come across an app that brings joy to my heart-Candy Crush. I'm about to press the Candy Crush icon when I notice the app next to it.

Harry Styles Wallpapers

I actually laugh out loud at this. Ahh Arianna.


A noise makes me look up from my game of Candy Crush. Glancing at the time on the phone, I realise that I've been playing it for over an hour. Please don't judge me too harshly, Arianna was only up to level 2, she needed a booster.

At the same time, I realise that I only have 38% battery left. I turn the phone off, surrendering my Candy Crush marathon, because who knows when I may need the phone for more important things. I know what you're thinking, how can anything be more important than Candy Crush? I find it hard to believe too.

Another noise sends my hand practically flying the phone back into my skirt pocket. The door opens and footsteps come down the stone stairs, but I don't look up-I keep my stare on the grey stone at my freezing feet.

"Nice to see you again, sweetie," she says. "I thought we'd lost you forever."

"What a tragedy that would have been," I say sarcastically to the floor.

"I totally agree. As your legal guardian, I was terrified at what might have happened to you."

I scoff at Lyn's horrible acting.

"I'm so glad that you care so much for me." My voice is still thick with sarcasm.

"You should think yourself lucky," Lyn drops a small, folded-up piece of paper into my lap, then walks back up the steps and slams the heavy door.

I unfold the piece of paper and, with the light coming from a small window near the roof, read it.

You'll never escape. Just give up.

I smile to myself. That's where you are wrong, Lyn-oh so wrong.


~~24 hours later~~

(A/N: sounds better than 1 day, soz :) please continue)

~~Arianna's POV~~

One of the policemen went back to their office to see if he could trace the text and find it's location. We've all been on the edges of our seats, waiting-we filled Louis, Perrie and Zayn in once the excitement had died down-but he hasn't come back to us.

Whether it's a coincidence or not, the home phone starts ringing and I'm the first to jump up to get it.

"Hello?" I say into the receiver.

"Hello, this is the police, who is this?" I recognise the police officer who took Niall's phone's voice. Wow, that was a mouthful-or, more literally, a mindful?

"This is Arianna," I reply.

"Ah, Arianna," I hear slight recognition in his voice.

"We have traced the call," he begins.

My heart is beating so fast. My fingers are all crossed, hoping against hope.

"We know where Jade is."

And that's when my heart almost stops and I feel extremely happy, excited, full of disbelief and overwhelmed all at the same time.

Cue emotional tears.


Well then






I'm SO SO SO sorry I didn't update last night, I was so busy yesterday - I didn't wanna rush writing it :) btw if you wanted to know, NZ time is GMT+11

I don't think you wanted to know that but now you know

Recommendations if you're looking for stories to occupy your life!!!

-Anything by BelWatson-ahhhh I ♥ all her stories!!

-THE ACCIDENTAL SKYPE CALL it's one of my faves♥

Some fabulouis - (I know that's so old now, isn't it) - anyways some amazayn Niall fanfics (cuz I'm a Niall girl♥) are:

- Backfire - BelWatson

- Detestation - xDinaMariex

- Call Me Ella - BelWatson

oohhh and there's just the bestest Louis fanfic called I Wish, with a sequel called Back For You by xDinaMariex :)

Fun fact: When I joined the 1d fandom, I was a Louis girl :)



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