Chapter 18

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~~~~~Arianna's POV:~~~~~

Perrie, Zayn and I are at the mall, going in and out of shops. I'm surprised the paps haven't crowded us already.

"Perrie?" I ask innocently. 

"Yes?" she says, looking through a long rack of clothes with a critical look on her face.

"Why haven't the paps come and knocked you down yet?"

Zayn overhears my question and answers it himself.

"We're just lucky today," he says. "Very lucky. The freakin' paps are usually everywhere!"

I nod thoughtfully. I always thought it would be so cool to be famous, but by the sounds of it, it's not really as cool as it seems.

"Here we go!" Perrie exclaims. She adds a dress to the collection of clothes she is holding and then hands them all to me. "Go and try these on. See if you like them."

I walk into the changing room, which is just nearby. I slip on the dress first as it is at the top of the pile.

"Oh!" I gasp. The dress looks so beautiful. Bold, bright colours make it summery and the material feels beautiful too! Perrie has a really good sense of style.

This is my reaction to every single piece of clothing I try on. I have never experienced so much luxury in my entire life!

~~~~~Jade's POV:~~~~~

The next morning, when I wake up, I pull on an old cotton t-shirt and my faded denim jeans. Then I drag myself down to breakfast. I'm the last one there. All the little ones are already sitting at the table, eating. I go and sit next to Alicia, who is only 4 years old. She is my favourite little kid here.

"Jade, why aren't you wearing your school uniform?" she asks me.

That's right. It's the first day of the school term today. I sigh and then answer Alicia.

"I forgot!" I say. "I'll go and put it on now." I drag myself back up stairs and pull on an itchy, green, woollen skirt and a stiff, white shirt. A heavy, dark green blazer goes over top.

By the time I get to the table, I only have time for a quick bite of toast before we all have to walk to the school rooms. I go into a room for 14-16 year old girls.

Then the teacher comes in and we are all silent. She doesn't live on site, but comes in to teach us. First up is math. Seriously - does anyone actually like math? No, I don't think so. My favourite subject is P.E. because you get to run around and have fun! 

But I have to go to school to learn and get an education. Even if I got adopted I would have to go to school.

As I am thinking this, Mrs Smith comes into the classroom from the door at the back. A tall man comes in behind her, followed by a thin lady. Big smiles are plastered on their faces.

They have come to adopt.

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