Chapter 41

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"Hello?" The girl repeats, she sounds about 18. "Is anyone there?"

This can't be happening. I must have the wrong number, I must have inputted it wrong into Arianna's contact list. Maybe-

"Who is it babe?" I hear Josh's rough voice in the background and my hopeful heart plummets to the ground like it's turned to stone and at the same time the force of gravity on Earth has increased.

"There's no-one there," the girl replies.

"Then why don't we get back to what we started?" I hear kissing sounds and my stomach twists in disgust.

"Not there, Josh! It's ticklish!" more giggles.

Anger builds up in my body and tears build up in my eyes.

"It's Jade here, you fucking asshole! And to the girl you're with, don't fucking bother! He'll dump you in 2 hours! We're officially done Josh, I never want to see your fucking stuck up ass again!" I don't wait to hear anything else, and angrily press the 'end call' button. The call ending signifies the end of our fucked up relationship.

I stand there for a while, breathing deeply, trying to stop myself from screaming in frustration, anger and betrayal. Oh and I shouldn't forget to say that I have a giant urge to throw Arianna's phone onto the ground and crush it into the gravel.

He betrayed me. I trusted him, I thought he was a sweet guy who had feelings for me and vice versa. Turns out I was wrong.

Once the anger subsides, I feel nothing, literally nothing. I feel empty, like I've lost all meaning to life. I slowly walk to the front door of the house and ring the doorbell, even though I have a key. I'm not thinking straight, I feel weak in the knees, and these heels aren't helping. I can feel the tears starting to trickle out of my eyes and I feel the sudden need for comfort and support. The door opens and I look up at the person who stands there.


I see his expression change from happiness to one of extreme concern.

"Jade, what's wrong?"

The walls that I have built around me crumble and I burst into tears, which surprises even myself because I never cry.

"Come here," Niall says softly, pulling me into an embrace. "It's ok, don't cry."

"I-I'm s-sorry," I hiccup into his shoulder.

"Don't be sorry for anything, Jade. Just breath, everything will be ok." Niall's voice soothes me.

I do as he instructs and take deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. I can smell something delicious and citrusy, and I immediately fall in love with it, wondering where it's coming from. Suddenly,  I realise it's Niall and I blush into his shoulder because I just described it as delicious.

Finally, Niall pulls away and looks into my eyes. I just want to go back to the position we were in before. It just felt so comfortable, so right. I felt safe in his arms for some strange reason.

"You ok now?" Niall asks, concern still etched in his features.

I am but I want to say no, just so that he might pull me into another embrace. But that would be sneaky and uncalled for...that's why I'm gonna do it! Jk guys :)

"Yeah, I'm a little bit better now," I nodd. He gives me a smile and his bright blue orbs twinkle. I return the smile as he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"We better be getting inside now, it's a little chilly out here."

I nodd again and snuggle into his side as we walk into the crowded living room.

"Omigosh, Jade! Are you ok?" Arianna jumps off the couch where she was sitting next to Harry and rushes to me. I think she wants to give me a hug but I am never letting go of Niall.

I hear a snigger come from Louis as I clutch tighter to Niall as if he is my lifeline.

"This is not the time, Louis," Harry shuts him up.

"What happened, Jade?" Arianna asks, worriedly. "Did Josh-"

"Don't speak to me of that fucking asshole ever again," I cut her off.

"Ooh he stuffed up big time," Louis murmurs and I narrow my eyes at him.

"You know what? I'm done with fucking assholes for tonight," I directed that at Louis. "I'm going to my room."

"You'll have to detach yourself from Niall first," Louis pokes fun at us. I know he's only joking around but for some reason I get really worked up about it.

"I can't believe you!" I raise my voice. Shoving Niall's arm away, I storm up the stairs to my room.


~~Arianna's POV:~~

"Wow you really messed that up, didn't you Louis?" Zayn pipes up.

Louis glares at him. Niall is just standing there, staring at the arm that Jade shoved off in her anger.

"I didn't think she'd take it too personally, " Louis says in his own defence. "Jade usually just jokes along."

"Well, she just broke up with her boyfriend after finding out that he was cheating on her, what do you expect?" I chime in.

"How do you know that?" Louis gapes,  probably voicing everyone else's thoughts.

"I was in my bedroom and heard their conversation through my open window," I say. "Josh pulled up, and Jade barely got out of the car before he screeched away. For some reason, Jade called him about 5 minutes later and I heard lots of yelling and she was saying something to the girl about not bothering coz he'll dump you in two hours. That's when I stopped listening, I didn't want to hear anymore."

I look up at everyone and suddenly realise that Niall's not there.

"Where's Niall?" I ask.


Well hey guys :) This was an-interesting?-chapter...what will happen? I hope you guys are liking what's happening so far!

QOTD (question of the day):

Do you like Jade or Arianna better and why?

Pretty please put your answer in the comments section coz I wanna see what you guys think! :)

Btw I'm sorry it's quite short, maybe I'll update again tonight! ;) #longlivetheholidays

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