Chapter 48

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Oh um hi? *uncomfortable silence*



But I think the story is nearing it's end... :'( 

Hope you enjoy this chappie :)


~~~Jade's POV~~~

I'm pretty sure it's been 3 days that I've gone without food and boy am I feeling it. My mind isn't working properly, I have lost track of time and my sight is slowly going blurry from lack of energy. I hear people moving around above me, the wood creaking underneath the weight of their footsteps.

I spend most of the day leaning my back against one of the stone walls, staring at the opposite wall. I've run out of things to think about. I've sort of lost hope of any kind of rescue and I'm pretty sure my legal guardians are trying to starve me. Of course they're trying to starve me, it's obvious. They're not giving me food, does that mean they're starving me? 

See what I mean? I've gone mental. I can't think. My mind is like-it's like jelly? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M SAYING

My messed up mind isn't helping me to control my emotions. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes for no apparent reason. Well there actually is a reason.

I've given up.

~~~Perrie's POV~~~

Niall and I are sitting in the back of one of the three police cars all heading to the same destination-the place where they believe Jade is being held captive. When I quickly glance sideways at Niall, I see that he is looking straight ahead at the back of the driver's seat. His hands fidget nervously and his eyes show concern and worry.

I reach over and pat his knee in what I hope is a comforting gesture. He turns his worried eyes towards me and I give him a reassuring smile. He nodds and gives me a slight smile, but then turns to look out his window. He won't stop worrying until he knows Jade is in a safe place. 

I sigh and turn to look out of my window. It's dark out, as it's about 9 at night. Bits of footpath are occasionally lit up by streetlamps. We are travelling quite fast, but the sirens are not on. I wonder if they want to do the whole 'sneak up quietly' thing. Or not. I don't know-I'm new to this sort of thing.

The police officer in the driver's seat looks into the rear-vision mirror at us.

"We'll be there in about 5 minutes," he said, gesturing to the GPS unit on the dashboard in the car.

~~~Jade's POV~~~

I can feel my eyelids starting to droop and I welcome sleep. It's the only way I can escape this horrible thing that is my life at this moment.

I lean my head up against the hard wall and close my eyes. I can feel my conciousness leaving me, when suddenly a huge bang and then a crash reaches my ears. Many raised voices make my eyes fly back open and I get up quickly, quite forgetting my physical condition.

I haven't stoop up in at least 2 days and my weak legs give way underneath my body. I decide against trying to get up again after realising that even if I managed to get to the door, what would I do? Break through it with my super strength? I think not. 

I crawl back to the wall and lean my aching body against it. My conciousness begins to leave me again, when suddenly. BAM! The huge door to my prison bangs open and I open my heavy eyelids. My eyes tell me that Niall is standing there, but over the past couple of days, I've learnt not to trust them.

"Niall, is that you?" I say weakly.

"Jade!" he rushes towards me. 

And that's the last thing I see. Everything goes black.




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