Chapter 49

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Well hey there

Ok the holidays have suddenly got way busier for me. How can the holidays get busy you ask? Well they have so updates will probs be not so often. :(

Hope all of you are enjoying the story :)



~~~Niall's POV~~~

The police storm into the house, shouting and guns raised. Perrie and I are told to follow at a safe distance, and if they get into a gunfight, to leave immediately.

If it were any other day, I would have loved all of this-but today all I feel is worry for Jade, wondering if she is ok.

After a few minutes, the police have arrested and handcuffed four people, including Jade's adoption parents. They are about to be put into the back of two of the police cars, when I shout out.

"Wait!" I shout. I notice Perrie looking at me like I've gone crazy.

I run up to the car that Jade's legal guardians are being shoved into.

"Where is she?" I ask them firmly.

The woman looks at me, her stare filled with utter contempt.

"In the cellar," the man mumbled.

I turn and rush into the house, Perrie hot on my tail. Looking around, I see a staircase that leads down into the darkness. That must be the way.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, we come across a huge stone door. Grabbing a key that hangs on a hook next to the door, I turn it in the keyhole, hoping against hope that it's the right key. To my relief it is and I fling the door open and rush into the dark cellar. A little light comes only from a small, barred window near the ceiling. I shiver as the room is very cold.

"Niall, is that you?" I hear Jade's weak voice and look in the direction it came from.

"Jade!" I rush over to her. Just as I reach her, her eyes close and I can tell that she's blacked out.

"She needs an ambulance," I tell Perrie over my shoulder.

She nodds and rushes out the door to inform the police and call an ambulance. I understand her rush-this place is weirdly creeping me out.

Lifting Jade up bridal style, I carry her carefully back up the stairs. When we reach a brighter area, I look down at her and notice how thin and fragile she looks. Her lips are a frightening shade of blue from being in the cold cellar for days.

Suddenly, her eyes flutter open and I see how lifeless they are. Once twinkling and full of life and happiness, they are now dull and sad.

Her lips move as she tries to form words, but they don't come out. I see her frustration building as she tries harder.

"It's ok," I tell her. "You're going to the hospital and they'll sort you out."

Jade gives me a weak smile and then I hear the ambulance siren.

~~~Jade's POV~~~

I wake up in a firm bed. I am lying between crisp, white cotton sheets and the sun is pouring in through the window. My very first thought is that I am dead.

Lifting my right arm up, I see that there are wires sticking out of it. Nope, I'm pretty sure they don't stick wires into you in heaven.

"You're awake," I hear a voice to the left side of me which startles me. I turn my head and see Niall sitting on a chair watching me.

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