Chapter 6

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~~~~~Jade's POV:~~~~~

Another couple enter the room. The lady has very light blonde hair and light blue eyes to die for. The man has dark hair and deep, dark brown eyes. Something in the back of my mind clicks. I have seen pictures of both of these people plastered across magazine covers and front covers of newspapers. They are very, very famous. They are Perrie Edwards from Little Mix and Zayn Malik from One Direction.

And they recently got married. 

I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from screaming. Just this morning, Arianna and I were listening to Zayn's solo in More Than This. And Little Mix's album DNA is sitting with pride on top of my chest of drawers. I even have the same name as Jade from Little Mix!

I imagine meeting the boys of One Direction and the girls of Little Mix. That would be so amazi.....

I have to stop myself imagining at this point. Perrie and Zayn have come to look for a little kid who they can look after as their own. My heart plummets down as my disappointment grows. I feel like running out of the room, but I will be strong and I will stay here and I will suffer. 

~~~~~Perrie's POV:~~~~~

I gush over the little ones who mill around my feet. They gaze up at me with pleading eyes that beg me to pick them up and take them home with me. But I am not looking for them.

I look towards the back of the room, where other children linger, unsure. My eyes survey each one, finally fixing on a girl of medium height who looks about 15. She is looking at me, and I see sadness in her eyes before she quickly looks away. I walk towards her. 

"What's your name?" I ask softly, sensing her shyness. 

"My name's Jade." she answers tentatively.

"Hi Jade! I'm Perrie." She looks up at me and whispers. "I know."

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