Chapter 45

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~~~Jade's POV:~~~

I wake up on a cold, hard, stone floor. My eyes flutter open and I find myself staring up at a wooden ceiling, covered in mould. Ugh I hate mou-My eyes now shoot open and I sit up quickly, rewarded with a  horrible pain in my head. 

"Ow! ow, ow," I exclaim, rubbing my forehead, but it doesn't help the incredibly painful headache that rages on inside my skull.

I grin my teeth and bear it though, because there are other things of more importance that I have to worry about-like how I've been kidnapped again. And how to escape.

But when I glance at the door, all my hopeful hopes are dashed when I see the number of bolts and keyholes. Who would want to keep me under such security? Oh, yes, that's right-my adoption parents.

I recognised the guy who was outside Perrie and Zayn's house, well his voice anyway. It was the guy who I had nicknamed 'mean guy'. Yes, my adoption parents wanted me back in their captivity and they had gotten those two men to do their dirty work for them. Why do they want me, though? What can they achieve from kidnapping me?

A sudden wave of pain rushes through my head. All this thinking is not helping my headache. I slowly crawl to one of the surrounding stone walls and lean my forehead against the cold material. Once my pounding headache is soothed by the coldness of the stone, another lightbulb thought pops into my head. 

"Eureka!" I shout, then slap my hands over my stupid, stupid mouth. "This is not the time for jokes Jade," I scold myself. OMFG HELP ME THIS IS NOT FUNNY It's not normal to talk to yourself, let alone tell yourself off. I guess this constant isolation after being kidnapped is really getting to my mental system.

Well, anyways, I've figured out why my adoption parents-ugh no, I'm not calling them my parents again. What were their names again? Lyn and-Lyn and, David. I'll call them Lyn and David. Anyways, I've figured out why they keep 'kidnapping' me. 

Here in England, they say that if a family member or adopted family member-in my case-is kidnapped and the police give up on the case, the family of that specific person receive a payment from the government in compensation. Lyn and David are after the money!

I am suddenly subdued after realising that, even though I've figured out why Lyn and David are 'kidnapping' me, I still don't know how I'll escape, or if I'll ever escape. I shiver.

Hugging myself against the wall, I feel something hard in my skirt pocket. My eyes open wide and I rip at the pocket zip, struggling-in my rush- to take the object out. Finally, I hold the object up to the sky-well, the ceiling-as if it is my saviour. And it is. I can't believe my kidnappers didn't find it on me.

Arianna's phone.

~~Arianna's POV:~~

I hop around excitedly as Niall hurries to open the text and read it to me.

"It says," he starts.

Niall, pls tell Arianna that I'm ok and not dead or anything haha can u track this txt?? Pls try, I don't know where I am but I know that my kidnappers r my adoption parents. love Jade xx

"What?" I shout, half excited that we may be able to find her and half surprised about the part about her adoption parents.

Harry has the exact same expression as me-excited and slightly surprised, but Niall just looks stunned.

"Err-have I missed something?" Louis walks in, holding a huge mug of hot chocolate.


AHHH I'M SORRY IT'S ANOTHER SHORT ONE I didn't have much time to write today-plus I think I had writer's block :( HOPE UR ENJOYING IT SO FAR THO


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