Chapter Six: Blue Moon

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✖️what the werewolves look like✖️

Saturday, 10:45pm. Night of the blue moon party.

I am excited but not as excited as I could be. I wasn't really in the mood. Then again, I would rather be there then hanging out with my imagination. Anyway, Carla will kill me if I don't go. I decided to spend as little time as possible at the party. If I go for at least forty minutes, Carla won't be as mad for ditching her. That sounded like a plan.

I had a shower and applied mascara and some lip gloss only since I didn't exactly get how to do make up expect those couple of things. I decided to wear midnight blue ballet flats with a midnight blue dress. That would go with the whole 'blue' theme. It wasn't as causal as I wanted, but Carla would get angry if I didn't dress up. I left my hair in its natural waves down my back.

I make my way out the door at ten minutes to midnight. I remembered I had to wait for mum to get home before I left. She wouldn't get home till twelve o'clock. Annoyed, I set an alarm for twelve o'clock and made my way to my bedroom to get some sleep. That way I won't be busy trying to stay awake at the party. Before I got to sleep, I suddenly wondered what the moon looked like. Full and blue I'm guessing. I stare out my window. I have a perfect view of the beautiful moon. It is full and blue alright. It glowed a medium shade of blue. Its beautiful. I lay down on my bed, smiling to myself.

I only got to sleep for about twenty minutes before awaking to a gentle tapping noise on my window. I froze. It got louder and louder.




I gathered enough courage to look outside the window. The tapping stopped and when I looked out, there was nothing there. So typical. In horror movies the tapping always stops when the victim looks and whoever was doing it, is not there. I lay back down, hoping I am dreaming. I better be dreaming.

The taping doesn't start again. Eventually I hear it again, but this time on a different window. It sounds like the kitchen window. It gets louder and louder, then stops altogether. It starts again, but on yet, another window. I'm not sure which window, but to be honest I don't care. I was terrified. Soon, the whole house is filled with loud tapping.

I stay frozen in my bed, till I get enough courage to get up and grab the nearest thing that could be used as a weapon. That just so happened to be a lamp. I cautiously step out into the hallway. I make my way down the staircase and turn to the kitchen. I step in, turning on the light. The tapping immediately stops. There is nothing new in the kitchen. I peer out the window to find nothing. I continue searching, unaware of the foot steps behind me.

Something crashes, making me spin around. I almost faint.


Before me, are three giant wolf-human things. I instantly recognise them as werewolves. I mean who wouldn't after a how weeks of constant nightmares that the werewolves are out kill me?

From their flesh ripping claws, teeth so sharp, it would pierce your skin by the lightest touch, blood red eyes and massive, muscular bodies, it instantly made me cower in fear. The fear that had befriended me so many weeks ago, the fear that stayed up late with me, the same fear that had gotten me terrified of these killers. The only difference was this fear was stronger. Or was it?

Nah, I give up with all this.

I mean seriously, this so typical.

Time to let out my true thoughts on this.

I burst out laughing. This is hilarious. The werewolves look pathetic. It was so typical too. All horror movies go like this.

I couldn't help but bend over and hold my stomach trying to calm myself from the fits of laughter. But I couldn't help it. It...was...hilarious!

While I'm laughing going my butt off, the werewolves have closed in one me. Holy crap, I better stop laughing. The werewolves looked confused and angry. Furious to be more precise. There turns out to be five of them too. Five. I am doomed.

I frozen in fear once again, my laughter now gone. I search for the closest escape but I don't see one. Their legs are quite long though. I could probably duck underneath them. However, where would I go after that? They will easily catch up to me. But to be honest, I don't care. I will risk it.

I duck down quickly and slide underneath their legs. One tries to grab me but I smash it's hand with the lamp. Unfortunately, it doesn't faze the werewolf. It grabs me by the neck, but surprisingly doesn't grip too hard so I will choke. I guess they have something in mind for me...

Before I can struggle to get out, the werewolf sinks it's teeth between my neck and shoulder.


Who saw that coming?

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