Chapter Twenty-Four: I...Fell Out Of My Window....?

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✖️I know that excuse Laura made sounds impossible and stupid but work with me here✖️

Charlie was at the front door. I could see. I walked around to the side of the house, being careful so he won't see me. I changed my colour to a grey black, to blend in with the light. It was six o'clock but the sun hadn't come up properly since it was winter.

I made it around and jumped onto my window, turning into wolf meanwhile. I felt immediately tired and VERY sore once I changed from wolf to human. I felt myself falling to the ground in pain. I made it here alright in wolf form, saying as my wolf has a stronger build, making it so I would have to be bashed in a wall a couple more times to get an injury worse, but not exactly like what I have now.

The injury is obvious, so I will need an excuse...

Bingo! The robbers came back!

No, Charlie was here too.

I...fell out of my window....?

No that's just—no, your a genius! I mean...

I did have the window open. So I could have sleep walked to the window, fell, and...I got an injury of course!

I would have to jump outside again, but I will stay in human form. This is going to hurt...

"OWWWW!!!" I scream. Hopefully Charlie hears that so he will come around.

I was right about that, he came rushing around the corner.

"Laura! Oh my goodness goats what happen to you!?" Charlie demands.

I grumble a response, "fell out of...bedroom window." It sounds impossible and stupid.

"Laura how did you—" he tries to stop his laughter but he doesn't succeed.

I growl and wait for him to call up the hospital or something.

"Come on! I need to go to the hospital don't I?" I snap.

He stops laughing and looks at me with a serious face, "Laura, you couldn't have fell out of the window. Your injury would be worse. It's merely a bruise."

"It is?" I take a look. It's seriously just a giant bruise. But hurts like hell, so that counts as something right?

"Oh right. I mean the lounge room window," I chuckle nervously.

He just nods his head, "that would make sense."


Wait - how would I fall out of a window?

Oh I was just walking then tripped and somehow fell upwards instead of down then hit the light or something and it knocked me out the window. Obviously.

Some reason, he didn't question my story.

"Could you get up?" He asks and I shake my head. He helps me up then touches around my rib cage while ask if it hurts. I answer honestly.

"Well you won't need to go to hospital but you will to rest," he says.

"Since when did you become such an expert?" I ask.

"I...I'm thinking of being a doctor, y'know?" He says, scratching his neck.

"No, I don't know," I say, messing with him.

He just grins. "Anyway, Back to you. Let's get inside. You won't be going to school today."

I make a mental shout of triumph. I awkwardly follow after him. I'm a little angry at Charlie for not helping me but honestly, I rather get around on my own. Maybe I can make it worse, spend more days off school.

That's no way to think, Laura.

Is now.

Anyway, I mange to get inside and fall on the couch. It was going to be a long week.


Ok, it was a little bit longer. I did my best.

There will be some mysteries solved next chapter ...hopefully lol.
This book is going at the perfect pace and I'm getting very excited. The book will probably finish in the next fifteen chapters. I know that sounds like a lot but, when writing a book, time goes by quickly. Sort of. I mean it's taken me what, about three months to get up to this part? God, I'm so happy. Not happy the book is ending, just plain happy I have been able to get this far a and not abandoned the story. There are so many starts of stories in have written and I gave up on them. One reason I love wattpad is because of how it encourages you to keep writing the story, don't give up. Don't give up otherwise you will loose readers. Update for the readers. Update because for the love of writing. So thank you.

Oh and what do you think about these for ship names?

Jordura (Jordan + Laura)

Connura (Connor + Laura)

Shayura (Shane + Laura)

You may have noticed I used 'Jordan' instead of Dylan. There is a reason for that. You will find out why later.


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