Chapter Twenty: A Restless Night

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I didn't go to school for a week. Everyone thought I was sick, when really, I was just scared to go back to school. Carla accompanied me and didn't go to school either. For me. What I true friend. On the lonely nights, I went out running in wolf form.

I shot up. Just another nightmare. I checked my watch. 1:00pm it said. I sighed and I got up out of bed to open my window. Before jumping through to take a midnight run, I checked Charlie's room to see if he was asleep. I quietly went down the steps and opened his door.

Mum had decided the night I got attacked by werewolves that Charlie would look after me each night. Some nights he couldn't come, but other nights he came to steel my favourite chips. Again.

I looked in to see him sound asleep. Perfect. I climbed up the stairs again and took off my jacket and long pants. Don't worry, I had clothes underneath. I had to wear warmer clothes so Charlie wouldn't suspect anything of me.

I made my way to my window and I jumped through, turning into werewolf meanwhile. Gee I love that feeling. I trot, at the speed of a normal wolf mind you, into the forest.

The nightmare I had was different this time. It was more like I was seeing a vision somewhere else...or in the future. I mean, how would my brain know who the heck Lycan is. Maybe the werewolf in me does...yes, that explains a lot.

I don't usually run at night. I like to be awake at school. I decided to go to the Edge packs territory and see if Balto was home. I ran for an hour and then finally reached his territory. I checked everywhere and there was no trace of him or his pack. Oh well. It was killing me to know what the resistance was.

I sniffed the ground in a spot I hadn't seen before. The grass was really flat on the ground but it hasn't been cut. This would mean they had been sleeping or resting here. I sniffed very square inch. I was just sniffing out a spot under a tree when poof! I disappeared. Where? I have no idea, but I think it was underground somewhere.


Short Chapter. Yay or nay? Most likely nay because it has been awhile since I updated.

It's going to be tense next chapter. And another mystery will be made.

By the way, you may have noticed I have changed Shayden's last name to Bolter. I have my reasons and you will find out why...later.


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