Chapter Twenty-Five: I Meet The Resistance

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The rest of the week went by quickly and the bruise faded a bit. It still hurt though. I didn't go to school the whole week. It was Saturday evening and I had just arrived at Balto's territory.

There wasn't really a set time to be there, so I guess I didn't really expect him to be there when I was. Fortunately, he came.

"You came," I say, getting up.

"Yeah," Balto says, "sorry about that."

"So, why am I here?" I ask.

"I need to take you to the Resistance," he reminds me.

I nod slowly, "and why would I come with you?"

"I got you out those tunnels."

"True, but that could all be apart of getting me to trust you."

"Trust me," he laughs a bit when he says that. "The Resistance rebels against the werewolves. The werewolves are beasts. Monsters. They kill people for fun."

"Fun," I repeat in wonder but snap out of my thoughts, "what do they want?"

He shakes his head though. "Those are questions for the Resistance. Let's go."

I follow, him unsure whether I want to come. Curiosity beats me. For one hour and a half we walk and run, switching between the two. Finally, we reach our destination. We are in the mountains now. Balto goes up to a rock wall and presses his paw against it. Suddenly, the wall slides both ways. However, it only reveals yet another wall. This time Balto puts his other paw on it. It slides to reveal a small cave. We walk in. Balto puts his eye to this scanner thing and it scans his eye. It turns green and opens another door, leading into a tunnel. We follow the tunnel for fifteen minutes and then come to a tunnel, but it's going down like a slide. Balto immediately starts sliding down. I follow him.

Bright light blinds me. We have reached like a giant cave. Some walls are rock, and some walls are dirt. There are small bushes and trees, growing out of the soil. There's even a small pond and a giant tower with fire torches all around it. It's simply beautiful. It's like an underground garden.

It's not empty though. There are wolves around the place. Some wolves are sitting by a campfire and some are sitting by the pond. Others are in the own groups. Infer trees as if it's really sunny and they need shade. It may be underground, but it's lit up like the day.

Balto has stopped for me to stare luckily. I nod at him and he walks past the pond and to a clear space where some important looking wolves sit around their own private campfire. They look up at me with confusion but their faces relax and nod as if they remember something. Balto must have told them about me.

"Is this her?" A white she wolf with golden specks asks Balto. She has the kind eyes of a mother.

Balto nods. "Here is the fifth one. She is different to the others though. One: she is female. Two: she became a shape shifter differently to the others."

So they do know how the others became shape shifters. Interesting.

The she wolf turns to me, "what is you name? Do you have one?"

I nod my big fat wolf head, "yes. It is Winter."

"Nice. My name is Medellion," she says then turns to the wolf beside her, "this is my mate, Phantom-" she nods at a black male wolf with a ghostly white fade on him. She turns to another wolf, "this is Arrow-" she nods at a she wolf with different shades of orange colouring. "This is Blizzard-" she nods at a silver male wolf how shares a wolfy smile with me. "And finally, Timber-" she nods at a brown male wolf. "And of course you have met Balto," she finishes, nodding at a happy Balto. "We are the leaders of the Resistance," she ends.

"Well, hello all, I'm Winter and I have no idea what I am here for," I chuckle, and everyone chuckles as well.

"Well, how about we explain that," Phantom says, still chuckling, "sit down if you want."

I take the opportunity and sit down.

"You just ask the questions and we will answer them to the best we can," Phantom says and I nod.

"So, what is the Resistance?"

"We resist against the werewolves, obviously," Phantom points out.

I nod, "why? I mean what's so bad about them? What do they want?"

They all look at each other grimly. Medellion looks at me and with a grim voice she says, "world domination."


I'm guessing quite a few people saw that coming.

You may have noticed Medellion is not spelt right. I did that on purpose because ... Well it's a name, it can be spelt however. But, how it's spelt is how it's said. Besides that...


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