Chapter Twelve: Winter

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✖️This is my version of Laura Winters using faceQ✖️

"Crap," I mutter.

My hand is stuck to the pencil I'm holding. More like frozen. Ever since the day on the beach, it seems as if the ocean awoke my powers or something. Now practically everything I touch turns to ice or I get stuck to it. I turned the water in my water bottle to ice not that long ago.

The thing is, I don't get cold anymore. I can touch any frozen thing for hours on end and never feel the slightest shiver. I guess that's all apart of it. I could easily withstand winter without an warm clothes. It's like my power came from my last name, Winters. Maybe that could be my wolf name... I could be a pure white wolf named Winter. No, a pure black wolf with white rings around my the opposite....oh I don't know.

But Winter is perfect. Winter is the name.

Moving on from introducing the new name to the non existent audience. Winter suits myself so well. Here is five-(technically four)-reasons why my name should be Winter in wolf form.

One: my last name is Winters.
Two: my powers are, what you could say, are the powers of winter.
Three: my wolf colours were the colours of Winter. Black not so much, but I guess.
Four: even my eye colour is like blue, like Winter.
Five: I don't actually have a number five, I just thought it would be cool to have five points.

So Winter is da name.


"Connor is joining the school?" I blurt, repeating what Carla said.

Shane nods enthusiastically.

"Is this a good thing or..." I question, not sure what to make of this.

"Yes!" Shane exclaims.

"Kay," I say, irritated. Let's just say I haven't had the best day. I am REALLY thirsty because every time I try to drink something, it turns to ice. And it it's really hot. Don't ask me why it's really hot near the end of autumn.

"It'!" I exclaim.

"I know right," Carla says, poking my cheek for no real reason at all. "Gee, your so cold!"

"Wha-" I say, touching my cheek. I don't feel any difference. Then again, I don't feel the cold anymore. Brian and Carla start touching my cheek. Talk about being irritated. Shane and Jordan pass touching my cheek though. Thank god.

"You are too!" Brian exclaims. Carla nods.

"I don't feel cold," I say truthfully.

"Maybe I'm just imagining it," Carla and Brian agree.

With that, we all walk off in different directions. Well, Brian, Carla and Shane do. Jordan follows me.

"Why are you following me!?" I demand.

"You need to tutor me," he explains.

"Oh," I say, disappointed.

"Why are we at the forest?" Jordan asks.

That's when I realise I'm at the forest.

"Uh, I like to go this way," I say.

"Through the woods? I like this!" He says excitedly.

"Good." Is all I say.

I will have to walk in human form, but that's ok. This way I can memorise the track a bit easier. I'm usually going really fast through here, so I never really get to memorise the track. Speaking of that, let's hope I'm going the right way.

"Want to race?" Jordan challenges.

I grin. "Hell yeah!"

We start running and Jordan gets in front of me easily. I think I have met my match. I try to catch up, but I can't. So I start going faster. Into wolf faster. I find myself running beside him. I pretend to start panting. We get to my house pretty quickly actually.

I want to jump through my window but that would be a bit strange. Not everyday you see someone jumping through a two story house window. I go around to the front and unlock the door. We let ourselves in and sit down on a bar stool. We take a biscuit from the biscuit jar.

"When did you learn to run so fast?" Jordan questions

I gulp but come up with an answer, "been practicing."

"Sure," he says, not convinced, "let's get this tutoring over with."

I bite on to my biscuit but it won't break. I look down and realise it's frozen.

Oh what! Now I can't eat...

I put my biscuit down and the ice melts off, making it soggy in the water. I groan and toss it into the bin.

"Why was that biscuit wet?" Jordan questions.

"My hand was wet," I lie, making my hand turn to ice then I put it near the oven where mum was making dinner. It melts then I show him my hand. This is handy. Well, my powers was what made the biscuit wet in the first place.

"Oh," he says with a frown on his face like he expected something more mysterious.

"Ok so we need to..." I begin. We worked on improving Jordan's English for hour. He actually seemed reluctant to go. Not to mention he was eager to work.

I shrug the thought off and say goodbye. We agree to meet tomorrow afternoon at my house tomorrow. I'm annoyed I can't go running in wolf form tomorrow, but I can tonight and next night. If I'm not tired. With a sigh, I make my way to my bedroom to sleep.

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