Chapter Thirty-One: Revenge Feels Great

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I wake up. All I see is a ceiling. I'm in a bed. It's very hot under these covers. My clothes feel different. I think I'm wearing a dress . . . no, I am wearing a hospital gown. I'm in a hospital. Just great. They undressed me . . . I feel violated.

I turn to my side to see Shayden in another bed.

"Hey," he greets softly.

I repeat the same greeting and add, "how long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to find out how I got here," he answers with a huff.

"If that's the case, why are we here?" I question.

"Remember the elevator?" He asks me and memories come flooding back.

The elevator, technical difficulties, full moon, turning into a wolf... So I answer with, "yes."

"Yeah well they eventually got it unstuck or whatever and it fell right down to bottom of the shaft," he explains and I cringe, "luckily we were in wolf form so it kept the injuries minor, but when we turned back, the injuries were a little worse. At least being in wolf form let them be not as bad as they could have been if we weren't."

"Did they see us in or—" I stop in sentence and let them hang in the air.

"No," he answers quickly. I breathe a sign of relief.

"When do we get out do you think?" I ask.

"Around eleven o'clock," he replies.

Two hours. I sigh and close my eyes once more.


Shayden didn't come to school the next week. Or the next. I looked for him everywhere. I tried finding the resistance again but I failed of course. I looked for Balto but typically, he disappeared again.

He wasn't the only one missing. Connor and Jordan were too. So Connor moves schools then doesn't come to school for two weeks. It was confusing and annoying.

Besides them cheesing me off for leaving me alone, I am about to play dodgeball for physical education. I'm going to rule at this.

The first ball shoots towards us, and it hits one of the weaker players. I felt sorry for them, I used to be like them. A couple of balls come shooting at me typically because I've kind of become the infamous in the school. Fun, I know.

I dodge them easily and even somehow grab one from the air. I throw it at them, aiming it at their legs. It only just hits one leg of a guy, knocking him backwards a bit. Score!

Another ball comes for my head and I duck and shoot a ball I grabbed towards the best player from the other team. Which just so happens to be Mason. It hits him square in the stomach and he steps back holding his stomach from the blow. Bam!

The game continues till it's one on one. Ryan and I are left. Great. Maybe I can show him who is boss too. There is one ball, two players. The ball is on Ryan's side. Good. I'm better at dodging.

He throws the ball and I can see it is directed right at me. It will most likely hit my stomach or head. I decide this time I won't dodge. I'll catch it.

And I do catch it. Well that's if you scratch out the part of me staggering back a bit. I big smile reaches my face when I realise I have caught it. I throw it up on the air and catch it again then yell, "in your face Ryan! I caught it!"

He grumbles and stomps out if the gym without the teachers permission. He'll regret that later.

I look at the ball and smile.

Revenge feels great.


And Laura Winters strikes again! Or is it karma...?

Sorry, just had to add that.

Please check out my friends (WolvesID) new book, 'Wolf On The Inside'


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