Chapter Twenty-Six: Cuz Darling I'm A Nightmare Dressed Like A Daydream

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I gulp. "World domination?"

They all nod grimly.

This couldn't be good. They was what, five of me, a load of wolves and a ton of werewolves? That wasn't fair. Life's not fair.

"And what are you doing to prevent them?" I ask.

"Well, we would like to just straight out kill them. However, that's no way to solve things. Ok, it is. But first we thought we should ask them to stop," Phantom explains. "And trust me, don't ever try to reason with a werewolf. It doesn't work."

I laugh a little then continue with my questions, "ok, so Balto told me there are four others like me. Is this correct?"

Arrow nodded, "yes, we were going to get you to meet them but they are out hunting."

I'm honestly disappointed. It would be nice to talk to someone going through the same thing.

"Anyway, I think that's enough for tonight, don't you think?" Phantom yawns, "you can stay the night if you want. That way you can meet the other shape shifters."

"I would love to, Phantom, but I should get back home before my mother gets home," I say, sadly.

"Sure," Phantom says.

They all say goodbye and Balto leads me out.


"How much longer?" I yawn, and tap my foot on the pavement repetitively.

"Would you stop that!?" Carla complains.

"No," I reply bitterly.

"Why?" Carla whines.

"Cuz darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream," I quote a lyric from Taylor Swift's song, 'Blank Space'.

"Seriously?" She says, narrowing her eyes on me.

"Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn ya," I quote another lyric from Blank Space.

"Argh!" She yells then turns back to staring at the road.

"Argh!" I whine, copying her, I fling my hair back and stare at the road too.

"How are they even friends?" I hear Shane whisper to Jordan.

"I don't know," he replies.

"I'm awesome," I say randomly.

"I can debate that," Jordan decides with that small brain of his.

I just ignore him and decide to say something else, but before I can, a car parks in the school parking lot.

"That's him!" Shane exclaims walking up to the car.

I follow him. The car door opens to reveal a hot guy. Connor.

I send him a peace sign because I'm just that cool. He just grins.

"I see you have all been waiting for me to arrive," he says.

"Yup," I say, popping the P.

"I guess you are going to lead me to the admission office?" He asks and I nod enthusiastically.

I grab his arm and start to lead him there. I still hear other people's whispers, lowering my enthusiasm.

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