Chapter Ten: What Do You Want!?

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After a lashing from the principal, which ended with Shane (Shayden he rathers that I call him that) with a detention and not me because Shane explained I didn't do anything (I had told him not to but he didn't listen).  I came out of the office and ended up corned by Mason and his minions. I will have to work out a better name than minions though. Minions are cute, not mean and nasty.

"How did you do that?" Mason, the ring leader, demanded.

"A bit of a adrenaline goes far," I say and continue walking.

"Answer. The. Question!" He demanded.

"I did," I reply, opening my locker and getting my bag out of it.

"I will get payback Winters," he growls and walks off.

The bell rings signalling time to go home and I'm left alone in the corridor.

"Dammit!" I yell, punching my locker, only for it to leave a BIG dent.

"Why!" I yelp. I need to control my anger better or else I could be seen.

With that, I stomp off out of the school.


We had to run track. Track. I hate track with a passion. Well, I used too. Ever since I have become a shape shifter, it's the best thing ever. I can. Actually run fast.

I ignore the snickers and groans and all the other crap people do to make fun of me. Everyone knows I'm bad at running. But now I'm not.

I will show them who's boss of this school.

I will move up the chain.

Don't ask me what's gotten into me. Maybe it's instincts from a werewolf hybrid. They seem a lot like that. I guess that's what you get from having part personalty of one.

I know I will have to stop myself from running like a vampire in twilight. I decide I will run fast enough to be at the front and that's enough.

I line up at the starting line. I can still hear the insults.




To me, that means, get ready to blow this place!


BAM! Go, Laura, go! Woo! Goooooo!

What? No one else is cheering for me so I will cheer for myself.

I'm full of energy ready to explode. And it has. I shoot forward. I find myself behind Shane, Tyler and Mason. They are the fastest in the whole school. Tyler and Shane always seem to be racing each other more than anyone else. I think they secretly hate each other. No they do hate each other.

I'm just about to pass Tyler who is coming in third. I pass him and say, "cousin." I tip my imaginary hat. I do the same to Mason and Shane but say their names instead. I leave them behind gaping. Just like the rest of the school. I can hear their comments.

"It can't be! Loser Laura is winning!"

Stupid person. My name is Legend Laura.

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