Chapter Fourteen: Bruises

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"I'm wide awake," I muttered the lyrics of 'Wide Awake' by Katy Perry to myself.

I ran and ran, in human form though. I was running through the forest again. I had to be back home by six o'clock for Jordan's tutoring but otherwise I was free until then.

I jump over a log. I dodge a tree. I jump up onto a branch and swing off it and twist in the air. Halfway through the twist I turn into my wolf. I run faster than I was in human form, jumping over log and dodging trees with my lightning reflexes. I run too fast and I fall over onto the hard forest floor. Pain shoots through my body but I haven't broken anything.

I get up, and jump into my human form. I know I have a couple of bruises in wolf form. This will be good chance to see if my bruises are still there in human form. I have bruises all over my left side of my body. Therefore, I will have to be a little more careful in wolf form.

I decide to stay in human form for a while. I consider ending my run in the forest after running and enjoying just being alone but I decide against it.

After running for a bit, I run into a male deer. A fierce one. It tries to hit me with it's antlers but I dodge. I try to grab it's antlers but it goes crazy. It pushes me over and tries to stab me in the stomach. I roll out of the way and I grab it's legs. It's hard holding onto the deers legs when it's bucking like crazy. Lucky I'm one powerful human and I am able to pull on its legs, making it fall to the ground. I get up as quickly and run away while I have time. I didn't want to kill it, so I didn't. I decide it's time to go home and run out of the forest.

Once I'm out of the forest and I head towards my window. I jump in my into my room and I change into clothes that cover my bruises. I hear the door bell and rush downstairs. I open the door and let Jordan in, adding a fake smile to cover up the fact I'm sore all over.


School. Hot day. Bruises. Questions.

Yeah, it's SCHOOL on a HOT DAY and I have heaps of BRUISES meaning there will be a lot of QUESTIONS.

Oh worm plop.

Maybe I will just wear a jacket and jeans all day. I mean, jeans are usually cool so that won't be a problem. I do remember going for this 'award' I made up in grade four. The 'award' (there was no 'award') was for wearing my jacket all day long. I do it every year now and today can be this years 'award'. No one will bothering questioning. They know I'm legend anyway.

The day goes by and only a few people question it. It wasn't until Gym did it really hit me. The teacher doesn't like us wearing jackets or jumpers or long pants in this class.

I walk into class nervously, fidgeting with my fingers.

"WINTERS! Is that a jacket I see? AND long pants!?" The teachers calls me out straight away.

"Yea, that's what you see mister," I say quietly and fight myself from replying with a sarcastic remark.

"Go to the office now and change into shorts and a shirt. Now," he orders.

"Don't tell me what to do," a voice inside me tries to say, but I stop it.

"Yes, mister," I obey and start walking out. Maybe I can kind of skip this lesson...

"Don't even think of trying to skip the lesson!" He roars just before I am gone. Dammit. What do I do now?

As I walk, an idea pops to mind. I turn and head in a different direction.

You know what? I'm feeling a bit sick.


A BIG thank you to anyone who has read up to this point, commented or voted on my story. About the read part, if you are hating it and still reading it, then you are not apart of this thank you and there's something wrong with you. I mean, there's nothing wrong with not liking a story, but hating it, well that's a bit much. Unless it's one of those people who copied your favourite authors story, then I understand if you hate it.

Anyway, the main point of this extra authors note, which I'm going to repeat because I kept getting off point up further.

Now I can say it.



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