Chapter 2

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Hope you like it so far!!

It was silence, no reply at all.

'Erm hello?' I asked again.

Again there was no reply.

Rude! I thought as he didn't reply.

I saw him leaning slightly forward towards the table which meant their was a bit of room between his butt and the chair. Well, I decided. I jumped onto the back of the guys chair and jumped down at the other side. I walked straight towards the toilets. I didn't bother to look back at the rude person. I'd finished doing my business, and walked out of the cubicle when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

' can I have a photo?' She asked.

'What? With me?' I replied confused.

'Yes, you' she smiled sweetly.

'Erm, ok but not in the toilets, it's not really the best place to take selfies' I stammered.

She laughed at this. I grappled my phone out of my pocket and slid the lock screen upwards revealing the camera screen.

'Ok, serious or funny?' I asked.

'Both!' She laughed.

I posed for a few photos with her and I looked back through them with her. Aww they were all cute. But one in particular caught my attention. It was me and the girl pouting, but in the background was the boy in the red shirt, the one who ignored me earlier when I tried to pass. I zoomed into the photo, the boy was bighting his lips and winking. His beanie was slightly covering his eyes. His eyes were a gorgeous greeny hazel colour. I must have been gawping because the girl next to me started waving her hand In front of my face.

'Hellooooo?!' She called.

'Er, I was erm, I have to go!' Suddenly remembering about Caspar.

I turned around but the guy in the red shirt had gone. All that was left was a fistful of £5 notes.

THE RICKSHAW RUN (COMPLETED) (Jack, Finn &Caspar)Where stories live. Discover now