land of freedom

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please fasten your seat-belts! That's all I heard before falling into a deep sleep.

'This is your key enjoy your stay' the hotel girl said. I was staying in a hotel until I could find accommodation. Finn had tried ringing me several times but I ignored everyone and blocked his number. I opened the door to my room to reveal a large squishy bed overlooking the skyline of new York.

I felt happy here.

I've applied for university and I think it's the start of something new!

After unpacking I was really thirsty so I thought that a nice Starbucks and a walk around times square would be nice.

I took the elevator down to the ground floor and stepped out into the fresh new york air. It smelt like warm current buns and corn dogs which made my mouth water. I was walking around and taking in the view when I fell into someone's chest.

Watch where you're going!' the voice said. It wasn't American though, it was more southern, like London maybe?

'Sorry, really I am' I said quickly.

'Oh, it's ok, I thought you were some silly American tourist or some obsessed fangirl!' he spoke.

'haha, no not really.'

'I'm Sam pepper, nice to meet ya!' he held out his hand for me to shake.

'I'm Alice, thats ma name,don't wear it out!' I replied laughing a little.

'How about we grab a coffee and you tell me your story?

And that's how I ended up knowing Sam pepper.

THE RICKSHAW RUN (COMPLETED) (Jack, Finn &Caspar)Where stories live. Discover now