Good news

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Jack sensed the awkwardness and began to cough loudly. He was so obvious. Remind me to kill him later!

Finn looked at me and smiled as if he knew better.

'I have to film a video with Marcus today, so it's just you and Finny boi, maybe Georgia too.' jack said.

'Georgia? No seriously mate.' Finn began.

'No she can come.' I laughed. It was payback time after all.

*Later on*

'Alice you've ignored me all day, what's up?' Finn said sadly.

'Nothing Finn, I just need space.' I replied.

'But I thought we were.. You know.. Fake relationship.' he said slowly.

'No, that was just stupid, we both know it, Jack knew what we were up to and it worked. There's no point pretending now.' I replied.

'what? I..'

'Finn, I don't know what your problem is, we were never together.' I said full of guilt.

'erm.. Yeah..' he said his head bent down low.

'Jack says its complicated but he's going to work our relationship out, I think he's going to dump Georgia!' I cried happily.

Finns POV

She was so excited. If only she knew that my feelings for her were true.

'He's dumping Georgia?' I asked shocked. He's been out with Georgia for a couple of months now, surely he's not dumping her?

'Well, he hasn't said it yet but I'm hoping!' she laughed again.

Even though it's going to hurt, I had to say it.

'Alice, he's not going to dump her, he's keeping you as second best, please listen to me, you're going to get hurt.' I said looking her in the eye. Her smile faded and two lines appeared on her forehead.

'Really Finn? Are you that jealous to say that? Jack does love me he said it this morning and I'm pretty sure you were awake, don't deny it.'

'I mean it Alice, Jack is bad news.' I said.

'Im going to get him Finn, stop holding me back, I'm nineteen, I'm not a baby anymore! Stop telling me what to do Finn, Just get lost and go and find Joe.' she screamed before slamming the door in my face.

If only it was that easy, Joe liked Jack and I never told her how I felt. Jack played her like he's doing with Alice. Joe found that Jack was cheating and took it badly. She killed herself, Jack wasn't even sorry.

THE RICKSHAW RUN (COMPLETED) (Jack, Finn &Caspar)Where stories live. Discover now