That's insane

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'You came to America because of a boy?' Sam said shocked. 'Why would you do that?'

I could trust him right? He was a friend.

'Well, something happened, he proposed to someone else whilst we were dating and claimed it was a mistake, haven't seen him since!' I cried a little at the thought.

'Aww, man that's crap, my mate in England had a problem like that, he liked this girl so much that he never told her how he felt, next thing he knew she had gone. Abroad somewhere I think. Sad isn't it?' he asked whilst taking a sip of coffee.

'really? Wow, that's really sad, did he keep in touch?' I asked.

'He tried but he never heard nothing.'

'Sam, I came to America to start a new life again, I've had so many chances, but I've gone wrong so many times, am I doing the right thing?' I asked him.

'yes, you're leading with your head not your heart.'

THE RICKSHAW RUN (COMPLETED) (Jack, Finn &Caspar)Where stories live. Discover now