friends are forever right?

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I found my way to my room and climbed through my window. Shona was dancing around the room with a duster in her hand and a bandana on her head.

'I'm not even going to ask.' I laughed causing her to stumble and fall.

'Well, we do need to clean, we have visitors later.' she smiled. Shona was always inviting people round.

'I'll do snacks.' I smiled back at her.

'Noting with tomatoes, the poor guys allergic.' Shona said.

'Okay Shona.'

There was a sudden knock at the door.

'Alice can you get it?' Shona gave me the puppy dog face.

The person banged louder and louder again. I swung open the door to reveal three laughing faces of Georgia Nelson, Jack Harries and the last person I wanted to see which was indeed Finn Harries. I shut the door in their faces. No way are they coming in here. I ran to my and opened my door to reveal a smirking Finn Harries munching on my pack of maoams.

'Nice stuff you have here.' he said picking up my Victoria's secret pants. 'the window, yeah, I came in through that, you should really let Jack and Georgia in, it's bloody freezing out there.' he said shoving a maoam in his mouth.

I just stood there gobsmacked.

'You can't just invite yourself into my room!' I gushed.

'You did.' he replied cheekily.

'That was a mistake.' I retorted.

'Not the best welcome I've had' came a voice.

'ERGH, my Prada skirt is ruined.' came another voice. I had to laugh at that.

To heads popped through my open window.

'can you let us in?' Jack asked.

'My nail!' Georgia screamed causing me to laugh. Jack sent me the death glare.

'Really interesting Finn.' I spoke. he just chuckled.

Jack climbed through the window, Jack reached out to help Georgia but she insisted on staying outside, she was too 'classy' for windows. I just shut the window in her face because I'm such a great person.

'Let her in Alice' Jack said angrily.

'Finn, did you hear that? I think it's my brain telling me to ignore someone.' I said. Jack's face was priceless.

''Finn, I need you a sec.' I pulled him into the room next door.

'Finn, you have to help me make Jack Jealous.'

THE RICKSHAW RUN (COMPLETED) (Jack, Finn &Caspar)Where stories live. Discover now