Chapter 2

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Dedicated to miss-fantasy as well.

Will sighed in frustration, as he watched Nico's form grow smaller and smaller, black against the grey-blue sky, except for his wings and skin. Will began pacing the small clearing, uncertain what to do. Looking around, Will stopped his pacing, realizing where he was. The clearing in the woods. Their clearing in the woods. Will sighed again, but this time it was sad. He remembered all the time he and Nico had spent right in this little clearing in the woods, splashing in the ponds, trying not to get their own wings wet, yet splashing at each other, with the intention of soaking the other person.

This was where Nico had told Will he was gay, and where Will had told Nico the same thing. So many secrets, and tears were exchanged here. Will took a deep breath, before spreading his large black wings, and taking off, flying to Nico's house, flying the same path that the two boys used to, when they raced home, after spending time in the clearing that the boys just flew away from.

Time Skip and Will POV

I flapped my wings, leveling myself with Nico's large window, about to knock on it like I used to when we snuck out late at night, when I noticed the lights in his bedroom flicker off for a second. I lowered my hand, and watched, head tilted to the slide slightly, wings gently flapping to stay in the air.

I watched intrigued as Nico, who was obviously shaking, and whose head was tilted back, clenched his fists until they turned even more white than his pale skin was. His wings spread up and out unconsciously, and I couldn't help but be amazed at how large they were. The tips almost reached the width of the room, from the wall the window I was looking into, to the door across from me. Did that make sense? His feet lifted from the ground a couple inches, but Nico didn't notice, and now I could hear his screaming, and the slight waver in his low, but angelic and melodious voice, and though it was greatly muffled, because of the walls, I felt his panic, pain, loneliness, hurt, terror and emotions I didn't even know existed. This was his way of releasing them, and as he continued to scream for an incredible length of time, I could feel slight relief spreading through him, but I knew it wouldn't last long, as I could feel him closing up, and hiding his feelings.

Maybe I should've been an angel. I definitely feel like one. Well, except for when I'm causing chaos.

I watched in shock, as suddenly, his wings turned to black, the gradient of white-black gone in an instant, and I would have missed the transition, if I hadn't gone back to staring at his wings, that hadn't even beat the air once since he began to hover. And honestly, he looked so much hotter with black wings, and more like himself. The confident, sly, mischievous, sarcastic, Nico I knew. Nico's wings stayed black, until his voice gave out, then they went straight to white, not even transitioning between colors, and Nico knelt, crumpled to the ground, wings splayed around him, gently, falling in a way that seemed to surround the lower half of his body, like someone laid a blanket over his hunched shoulders, his shaggy black hair hanging in his eyes.

I'd heard stories like this. That once, long ago, it was rare, but an angel-or a demon could have angel and demon parents, and they'd be super powerful. But they were gone. Wiped out, because angels and demons don't love each other, we get along, and are peaceful, living in the same place because parents don't kick out their children for being an angel or demon, but angels and demons, don't love each other. But maybe, their was something going on that Nico and I didn't know.

I realize that I'd sunk in the air, and beat my wings twice, looking around me, I realized plants for as far as I could see, had shriveled up and died turning black, but were starting to revive as I watched. Nico did that. And he didn't even know. I turned back to the window, beating my wings once, and stared at the sight in front of me.

There was shattered glass everywhere, and empty framed with some shards of mirror still in them, and I realized that the reflective glass spread around the floor was from Nico's broken mirrors. It was all over, even, from what I could see, under the window sill that I was looking into. I leaned closer, looking for a specific mirror. I breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't see it. The silver-frame with curling leaves and branches, around it, and in the corners, some twigs with sprouting leaves on the actual mirror. It was first his mom's and then Bianca's. Nico kept it after she died, which was a day after his birthday. His mom had died when he was young, and neither of us could remember her. He'd probably put the mirror away, somewhere safe and out of his sight.

I flapped my wings, my attention refocusing on Nico. He was in the same spot, but his shoulders had started to shake, and I knew he was crying. I hesitantly rapped my knuckles on the window, and Nico's head shot up, staring at me wide eyed, and turned away, hastily wiping his eyes, before slowly getting up and walking to the window, head still ducked, as he walked carefully around the shards of mirror.

Nico pushed the window up, enough for me to slip in, and gingerly step around the glass.

"What are you doing here?" Nico said, but not rudely, he just sounded tired.

Instead of answering, I just opened my arms. Nico hesitated, a blush spreading from his neck, and to the tips of his ears, before stepping forward, and I wrapped my arms around the small angel.

I snuggled my head into his fluffy hair, which was as soft as ever. My wings fluttered, before enclosing around us, and I felt his wings shift on top of my arms, which were around his waist, as he shifted his weight, leaning more into me, his arms wrapping loosely around my waist. We just stood there for a while, enjoying each other's presence, after not talking for so long.

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