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The picture above is my Halloween costume! IT'S THE BLACK PARADE!! I'm planing on painting my left hand with the hand bones, and half my face a skull, based on the 'mascot' for The Black Parade. (Hope it works)

I was tagged! Again. . . Thanks write-your-life-away

1. Favorite book?

2. What fandoms are you in?

Dan, Phil (Phandom), PJO/BOO, HP, Frandom (Connor Franta), um. . . Idk.

3. What are your otp(s)?

Solangelo!!!! Percabeth, Tratie, Tris+Four, Augusta+Hazel, etc.

4. What is your favorite thing to do?

READ oh, and draw, and listen to music

5. What time of day is your favorite?

I have a very exact time/day: Friday, at 4:30, because I'd be home from school. 😁

6. What is your favorite food?


7. What are your opinions on a zombie apocalypse? 

Hmm. . . Definitely possible, and I'd be totally bad-ass.

8. Favorite animal?

Black panther

9. What is one strange thing you liked to do when you were younger? 

Oh, uh, jeeze. A lot of things, um, I didn't/don't fall asleep on airplanes, trains, during road trips etc. I used to sleep in child's pose. That's what I USED to do, the road trip one I STILL do.

10. What is your favorite season?

Fall, (b/c SWEATSHIRTS!)

I tag:







Just, answer the same question,  b/c to lazy.

Luv ya all! And please don't kill me for the next chapter that I'm going to update! *Winks, slowly backs away before beginning to run*

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