Chapter 12

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Will POV and WARNING: BLOODY AND DESCRIPTIVE, also, *Says in small voice:* please don't kill me *Runs screaming from room, arms flailing behind*

Nico marched down the stairs, and I followed behind him, with Cupids quiver of arrows.
Nico stalked into the kitchen, head held high, glaring at the man before us. He looked like a mirror image of Nico, dark brooding eyes, pale skin, dressed in all black, and surprisingly handsome, but there was one main difference. Well, two if you count the fact that Nico was not only much younger, but better looking, his half shaved head, with the mop of unruly hair on top, and a just as messy fringe, compared to the long, greasy looking, (although, also unkempt) hair of his father. But the stark difference, was the wings. Before tonight, the difference between the wings would be noticeable from miles away, not that you'd see them near each other, but now, there wings were similar. Hades' wings were dark as a night in a place with no pollution, with a starless sky, unshining. Nico's were white, except for the very tips that were as dark as his hair, and splatters, which were the striking black on white.
Hades glowered at his son, a scowl making it's way onto his usually expressionless face. "You're alive." Was all he said, his gaze sliding to me, blinking in surprise. "William Solace. I haven't seen you here in awhile."
He didn't even react to the bloody sword gripped tightly in Nico's trembling hand, or the fact that I had an arrow strung, though it rested at my side, my arm diagonally across my body to hold the arrowtail, ready to fire if-no when needed.
"You made me believe her death was my fault!" Nico blurted, voice wavering with the anger he was trying to control.
Hades bored expression changed to one of fury. "It is your fault! I hired that Cupid kid to date and then kill you! He was not to go after your sister!"
Nico snarled, but his eyes looked hurt, and my heart jumped in my throat. Did he still have feelings for Cupid?
"I think that after dating me for six months, that he'd be able to tell the difference between us!" Nico yelled, his voice getting angrier and angrier.
The shadows around us began to dance agitatedly, responding to Nico's mood. Hades glanced at them, almost nervously, before his eyes became angry and dark.
"You were supposed to be home! You were supposed to die! He made the connection that she too would be a nephalem! But that wouldn't of happened if you'd been home! You'd be dead, and Bianca would be here!!" Hades yelled, his wings fluttering, and Nico flinched at the sound of his sister's name, but he held his ground.
The look on Nico's face was a mix of hurt and guilt, but mostly anger. While they were yelling, I saw the door that lead to the kitchen from outside, open and Persephone and Hazel stepped in, but froze, eyes wide. I furiously gestured for them to get out, and run, as Nico and his father continued to shout at each other, Nico's large wings moving, along with his hands.
Persephone gently guided Hazel behind her, and making eye contact with me mouthed, 'Don't let them kill each other. Please.' I hesitated, before nodding, and she and Hazel disappeared, closing the door silently behind them.
I looked back, watching the father and son fight. Nico and Hades were nose to nose, Nico craning his head up, and Hades hovering over him, a head taller. But Nico didn't back down. Instead, he gritted his teeth, and said, "You're right. It is my fault for not being home. But I didn't cause any of this! You did! You're the one that hired Cupid! You're the one that killed her! Not me!"
Hades growled, and TRIGGER and raised his arm back as if to slap Nico, and he flinches, taking a step back and before I knew what I was doing, I had slammed Hades to the floor, bow drawn and arrow aimed at his throat.
"Don't. Touch. Nico." I hissed, eyes narrowed.
Nico reappeared, the tip of his blade pressing against his father's throat, motioning with his head for me to back off, which I unwillingly did so, bringing the bow back down to my hip, but keeping the arrow strung, and ready. Nico blinked quickly, preventing his tears from falling.
"Why?" Was all he managed, and Hades, who didn't look remotely unsettled by the point of a sward digging into his throat, sneered. "Because you were a mistake. Bianca shouldn't have been born in the first place, but I loved her. She was everything. Beautiful, smart, generous, happy, fun to be around, caring, full of life."
With each compliment to Bianca, Nico flinched, as if the words were blows, and as Hades smirked, I realized they were. Hades was taking Nico's insecurities, and throwing them back into Nico's face.
The sword shook, and Hades saw his opening, taking advantage of Nico's weakness. But he'd forgotten I was there too, and immediately, Hades' back slammed onto the ground again, my foot pressed just under his ribcage, and slightly under it, pressing into his lungs, my arrow aimed for his neck.
He froze, hands lying by his head in a sign of surrender. I took my foot off his chest, but didn't lower the bow, and he stayed put, my face a mixture of fury and concern.
Concern for Nico, because when he finally turned back, his eyes were rimmed with red, but his face was set in a look of determination. The sight of the annoying father fills you with determination, OK sorry
He pressed the sword point back into Hades' neck, before taking a deep breath, glaring at his father, as I took a step back, observing once again.
"I don't know what to do with you." He glanced at me, uncertainly. "I had no plan, and Hazel would murder me if I killed you."
He glanced disgustedly at his father. He nudged the sword harder against Hades' pale skin, and Hades sucked in a sharp breath, looking nervous for the first time, as a droplet of scarlet blood pooled from where the tip of the pitch black sword was pressed to his neck.
"Nico," I warned, but didn't continue.
He jerked his chin towards me, but kept his eyes on his father. Hades looked at his son, and I could see genuine remorse in his eyes, guilt of what he did evident on his face, but Nico didn't see it that way.
Nico saw it as an act, another lie, a way to wiggle out of the situation. So I watched as Nico's face hardened, blocking any emotions he had.
"Look, Nico." Hades started, but trailed off, unsure what to say, glancing pleadingly at me, but I looked away. "I-I just," He gave up, falling silent. "Just do it." He murmured, closing his eyes, and actually relaxing.
"W-what?" Nico stammered in surprise, and I watched wide eyed, as Hades tried yanking the sword into his own throat, and Nico jerked the sword away in surprise, a gasp escaping his lips as Hades leapt from the floor, and before I could raise my bow, had yanked a large kitchen knife from the rack, thrusting up, sinking the blade hilt deep in Nico.
I screamed, harmonizing with Nico's wail, shooting at Hades, but in my panic I missed, the arrow sinking into his shoulder, instead of his neck, which was the shot that would have killed him.
Hades glared at me, holding his hand to his shoulder, at the base of the arrow embedded in his shoulder, before turning and running as fast as he could out the door.

I dropped the bow, running to where Nico had crumbled to the floor, lying curled in fetal position on his side, his body shaking, red slowly spreading from under his side, his hands covered in his own blood.
"No, no, no, Love, Nico, you can't-no!" I pleaded, turning him onto his back, my doctor mode kicking in, all my training and working in a hospital helping me, trying to find the best way to stop the blood flow.
I faltered, as I took in the situation, failing to get moving, because this was Nico, the boy I love. Usually, I'm calm confident, knowing immediately what to do, but what if I mess up? What if I lose him? The thought of him dying in front of me, kicked me into gear, and I fumbled with ripping Nico's shirt from the slanted hilt to his waist, and tried not to focus on his shallow his breathing was.
He made a gurgling sound, and I immediately turned his head on it's side, watching in horror as a stream of salivated blood drooled onto the floor.
"This is going to hurt, Love." I managed, wiping my eyes on my shoulder.
He looked at me sadly out the corner of his eye. "I-I'm so sorry Will."
"Shh." I said, "Save your energy."
He shook his head slightly, opening his mouth to speak again, his voice so quiet I had to strain to hear him. "I-I love you Sunshine. I, I shouldn't have let you get close to me. I knew, I knew it was too good to be true."
He began to sob, before shrieking in pain, because his chest moved.
"I know Death boy. I know. I love you too."
He gave a small smile, before closing his eyes.
"No!" I shrieked, "Just stay with me! Please." I begged helplessly, tears streaming down my face, making my vision blurry, as I ripped his shirt open to the collar, gasping at the wound.
It was worse, and better than I thought. The knife was angled up, but Hades' must not have had experience, because he missed the heart and lungs.
There was a scream, and then sobbing from behind me, and Hazel ran to her half-brother's side, Persephone right behind her.
"No, please." Hazel gasped, but I managed to ignore them, and focus.
I yanked my shirt off, ripping it into long strips, before slowly and carefully pulling the knife out, going along the original path of entry. Nico screamed, back arching off the floor eyes staring unseeing at the ceiling, as he wailed in utter agony, the fact that he moved only increasing his pain.
Even though I knew he was in pain, Hazel, Persephone and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief that he was still alive, but then he went limp, and I worriedly pressed my hand to his neck, relaxing just barely as I found the weak pulse.
"He passed out." I told Hazel and Persephone, before turning to them.
"Do something to get an ambulance, or a car, something!" I commanded, annoyed at myself for not thinking about it earlier.
Persephone ran out, and Hazel just clasped Nico's hand. I pressed about half the shirt-strips to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
"Please, please, please." I muttered, watching Nico's face.
I reached a shaky hand, sticky with blood and pressed the red stained fingers to Nico's neck, finding the weak pulse, and not moving my hand. I let out a gasp, as I felt it stutter, before returning, but it was duller.
Not caring that Hazel was literally right in front of me, I leaned down, and kissed Nico's soft, lips, as if it would help.

I heard sirens, and then they stopped, paramedics running through the door, freezing at the sight before them; the huge pool of blood Hazel and I were sitting in, Nico's shirtless and paler than usual body in between us, the knife drenched in red beside me, as my shirt soaked in blood, and I knew if I were to squeeze it, the red would pour between my fingers, and pool on the floor like a wet towel being rinsed out.
"Help him!" I screamed, my voice shaking as I began to full on sob. "Please."
They moved quickly, some angels, and some demons, but it didn't matter.
They had a job to do, and that was to save Nico.

Sorry, not sorry

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