Chapter 16

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My eyes fluttered open, blinking blearily, trying to return my hazy vision to normal. My shoulder throbbing dully from lying on it as I slept, arm under the pillow to support my head. I realized eyes weren't blurry from sleep, but partially blocked by black hair. I lifted my chin, my neck complaining as I raised it from the dropped position it was in before, resting it on the head of the black-haired boy, who in response stirred, and I froze, not wanting to wake Nico. His shoulders rose and fell with his deep and rhythmic breathing, his head tilted towards the ceiling, ear pressed to my chest, just over my heart. I smiled, looking back down, ignoring the crick in my neck as I did so. I tightened my arm that was thrown over his side, pulling him closer to me. Nico stirred, his hand tightening on my shirt for a second, and I took my arm out from under the pillow, gently stroking his hair, until he settled down again, shoulders relaxing.

Suddenly, Nico flipped, so he was on his opposite side, back to me now. He leaned back into me, as I wrapped my arm around his waist, bending my knees against his own bent ones, until we were spooning comfortably.
"Will," Nico breathed, head tilting till it hit my chest, and I couldn't help but chuckle, seeing as he was still asleep. Let's see where this goes.
"Yeah?" I whispered, arm tightening around him. There was no reply, only a deep sigh, but it was a sigh of relief, and I realized he was unconsciously looking for me. The thought made me frown, and I nuzzled my face into the-now shaggy-black hair on top of his head.
"I'm here Love. I'm here."

"Will? Hey! Wake up!"
An annoyed grunt escaped my mouth, as I blinked, opening my eyes squinting against the light. Looking around, I realized that I'd shifted on my back, and Nico was straddling me, looking slightly annoyed.
"Five more minutes." I mumbled, words slurring and I closed my eyes again. I was beginning to slide under the blanket that was sleep, before felt pressure on my lips and it took me a minute to realize Nico was kissing me. As soon as I did, my mind was in overdrive, immediately kissing back and wrapping my arms around him, just for Nico to pull away. I whined, Nico sitting up, arms crossed, trying to hide the proud smirk with his scowl.
"Well, that worked." This time the smile wouldn't stay off his face, and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah yeah, like that wouldn't work for you."
Nico shrugged, sliding off my stomach and sitting next to me, legs stretched near my face. I playfully grabbed his foot, and he yelped, causing a beautiful blush to bloom on his face.
"You shouldn't be sitting up you know. You could reopen the stitches." I frowned slightly, sitting up, keeping my hand on the the roof of his foot. Nico shrugged, turning his head sharply to move his hair out of his face. magic hair flip I rolled my eyes, reaching forward and brushing his overgrown fringe out of his face. It was his turn to roll his eyes, and I chuckled quietly.
I feel fine." Nico whined, throwing his hands up in mock annoyance. "Better than fine!"
I gave him a pointed look, crossing my arms. "It hasn't been three days." I said, pulling Nico to me, his back to my chest. "Look," I sighed, leaning my head on the back of his neck, his wings spreading to the sides to allow my body to fit against his back. "you have a day and a half left, the half being today, since we slept through lunch. It's not that bad."
Nico sighed, nodding as I moved my head, so he could rest his on my shoulder. I pressed my cheek to his, the bridge of my nose on his shoulder.
"But what are we going to do?"
I smirked, and he rolled his eyes, sitting up, away from me. "Will."
I pouted, feigning hurt, and he laughed quietly, happiness blooming inside me that I could do that. I can make Nico Di Angelo smile.
Reaching over, I made the gurney sit up, and spreading my wings, much like Nico was, I leaned back comfortably, and Nico snuggled back into me.
"We could play a game?" I suggested, and Nico actually scooted away this time, before turning to face me, legs crossed.
"A game." He said, looking dubiously at me.
"Yeah!" I got up, and said, "I'll be right back, I'm going to get one. What do you want to play?"
He just looked at me incredulously. "You're serious?"
When I nodded, he blinked, before bursting into laughter.
"OK, OK, so funny." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes, but a smile was making its way onto my lips. "What do you want to play?"
"Um, I-I don't know. I don't remember what we used to do." Nico said with a small frown. Now it was my turn to burst out laughing.
"You can remember my favorite cereal but you can't remember your favorite game?!"
Nico turned red, the tips of his ear turning pink. "I, I never forgot anything."
I smiled, before disappearing out the door, because I never forgot either. His favorite game to play with me was Battleship. He (unfortunately) usually won.
I walked down to the lounge, where the games were kept, usually used for the younger kids, wither the ones that were the patients, or siblings. I grabbed the blue box, the lid decorated by dark waves, and boats. Making my way back to the room, I heard a whimper, and turned to see a watery eyed boy, about five. He had shaggy black hair, his clothes were too big, sagging from his small frame. He had big blue eyes, wide with fear, and his skin was pale, black wings shaking slightly in fright.
"Hi?" I said gently, and the boy jolted. He wasn't a patient, I'd have known. I usually get the younger kids to look after. "Where are you supposed to be?"
He bit his lip to stop it from trembling, and looked at me with tear filled eyes, shaking his head. "I don't know." He stutters, clasping one hand in the other, tilting his foot onto its side, glancing around nervously.
"Here, you can come with me. Do you like Battleship?"
His eyes lit up, and he scrambled over to me. "Yes!"
I chuckled, and opened an arm. He ran into me, and I closed my arm, putting the box down, so I could shift him onto my hip. Picking the box back up, I stood, the boy sitting on my hip, arms around my neck, one arm supporting him, the box in the other.
"So, what's your name?"
"Bennie. Well, Benjamin, but I like Bennie better."
I laughed quietly, nodding. "Hi Bennie, my name's William. But I like Will better."

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