Chapter 30

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Dedicated to AngelicaJacobs
OMGOSH! CHAPTER 30?! WHAT! When I first started writing, I had no idea what the Hades I was doing. I didn't think this was going to end up the way it did-an amazing story people actually read. Thank you for sticking with me!

There was still one thing I hadn't told Will, or the police. And that was that Hades had offered me a deal. A deal that if I give myself up to him, Bennie will be set free. It was one I couldn't turn down. How could I?
So, two days after we talked to the police, I got out of bed, quietly sneaking into the kitchen to write two letters. One for Will, and one for Bennie, because there was no way I was getting out of this alive.

Dear Benjamin,
I know you hate your full name, but 'Bennie' didn't seem appropriate for what I'm about to say.
If you're reading this, than I'm dead, to put it bluntly. Right now, you're are seven years old, but you'll be sixteen when you're reading this, because I'll be able to say the things I want to, and you'll understand. No, it's not dating advice. Go to Aunt Piper for that one.
I wanted to say, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I missed your birthday, I'm sorry I missed your first crush, maybe your first date, and even kiss. I'm sorry I'm going to miss your prom, and if you play any, your sporting events. I'm sorry I'm not here to play board or card games with you, especially Battleship.
For your birthday, I give you my engagement ring. The one your father gave to me. Wear it with pride, or don't, and save it for your lover. It's yours to do as you wish.
I love you. I love you so much, and it's so hard to do this, to walk out on you and your father. But Hades, my father, has you, and I'd do anything to get you back. Including walking into an obvious trap, if it meant saving your life.
I love your father very much, and he did not know I was doing this. Don't be mad at him, if you should be angry at anyone, hate me. I snuck out in the middle of the night. It's 11:32pm right now. Your father was kept in the dark. No one knew about the deal I made with Hades. I'm sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.
Love you more than words can say,
P.S. Happy birthday.

I brushed off the paper, which only smeared the tear stains more. I gently folded the lined paper, writing To Bennie, Happy 16th Birthday, in my loopy, half cursive handwriting. With a deep breath, I wrote on a post-it note the directions for Will to give this to Bennie when he turns sixteen. Taking another lined sheet, I wrote to Will.

Dear Sunshine,
Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for me, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left the way I did, but Bennie comes first, before my life. He was, is, innocent. He deserves to be free, and to live. Just like you. You deserve so much better. Someone who doesn't endanger their family. Who doesn't let their adoptive son get kidnapped. I know that you don't blame me for what happened, but that doesn't matter. I blame myself.

I bit my lip, not stopping to wipe the tears as the fell onto the paper. With a deep breath, I took off the engagement ring, placing it next to the letter. I continued to write, my left hand feeling bare without the added weight of the ring.

I may not come back, Will, so I left the ring. On Bennie's 16th birthday, along with the letter, please give it to him as a keepsake from me. I love you, and if given the chance, I would come back to you and Bennie immediately. You are my family, and I wanted to say something I mean with all my heart. I. Love. You. I love you, I love you, I love you. But, you need to move on. Find someone Bennie will love, find someone you love. Move on from me, for Bennie. For yourself. For me.
I know you have questions. So I will answer the ones that are most predictable.
Why? For Bennie's life.
I didn't mention it before, because I knew you would talk me out of it. Hades made me a deal, before he knocked me out. I go to him willingly and alone, and he would let Bennie free. That's not something I can turn down, Sunshine.
Actually, that's the only question I can think of you asking. Just know that I love you, and that I made my decision willingly.
Sunshine, you truly are the light of my life, forever and always.
I love you more than you know,
P.S. Don't read Bennie's letter Will! I love you.

I folded the page, blinking blearily at the tears that still fell from my face, and wrote Will's name on the front, placing it carefully next to the letter to Bennie, and put the ring in front of it.
I got up, taking the chance of waking Will, and walked back into the bedroom. I stood in front of Will, taking in all the details. His gorgeous black wings, shimmering in the moonlight that slipped through the curtains. I gently brushed his blonde, golden hair back, off of his forehead, subconsciously tilting my head as I did. I lightly cupped his jaw, not enough pressure to feel.
"I love you." I whispered, breathing the words into the quiet room, another tear rolling down my face. I bent, and placed a kiss on his forehead. I stood for another minute, glancing at the clock that blinked it's LED lights at me, telling me it was now 12:09am.
It was time for me to take my leave. So I did. I walked to the doorway, turning again to glance at my fiance, his even breathing once again filling the room with gently sound, as my sobs quieted.
I turned, and left, taking my phone and wallet, and keys with me.

I summoned a sheath, which hung at my left side on my hip, black in color, a wide black braided belt sliding through the jean's belt loops, the buckle on my left hip, near the sheath. It came with a silver chain, purely for decoration. It attached to two of the belt loops in my ripped jeans, from the first in the front, to the one in the back. It hung in front of the sheath, going a quarter of the way down it, in an upside down arch. I then summoned my sword. I looked at it in surprise, admiring it for a minute. It had changed.
Before, it was solid black. Now, it was opposite my wings. It's tip was splattered with pure white droplets, the rest the still unshining the black. The white was the only part of the sword that reflected the light in the room, the obsidian black sucking in the light, instead of rebounding it. With a smirk, I slid the sword into it's holster.

I closed and locked the apartment door behind me, as quietly as I could. Breathing in, I leaned my forehead against the heavy wood, closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, my fingers lingering for a second longer, before I turned and walked away.

The sword's scabbard/sheath looks like the bracelet in the media, with the braided leather

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