Chapter 5

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Nico POV

I stirred, shifting onto my side, and I bumped into something soft and warm. Opening my eyes, I remembered that Will and I had gone back to his house, where I'd slept over. I flushed, thinking that I'd have to face his family again, but this time as Will's boyfriend. Schist. I shivered, feeling Will's fingers trail abstract lines down and up my back, threw my shirt. I smiled, looking up at him. His eyes were closed, but a small smile was playing on his lips. I took the time to analyze his handsome face. His full and kissable lips, his sharp jawline, his eyelashes, so long and slightly curled, the way his gentle curls fell around his face, his tan face, with splattered freckles across his nose and cheeks, some on his ears. His eyes were closed, but I could imagine what they looked like, thousands of different shades of blue all together, and then he opened those gorgeous eyes, lips curling into his sly smirk and then he spoke-dear lord, his morning voice, gravely and sexy. "I could feel you staring." I turned red, sputtering, and he laughed, pulling me deeper into his side as he shifted onto his back. I rested my head on the flat of his shoulder and arm. Do you know what I mean? I snuggled against him, relaxing again, closing my eyes. I felt his heavy gaze, scanning my jaw and down my body before trailing back up, and I smirked.
 "I can feel you staring."
 Will just laughed, not even a little flustered, to which I scowled.
"Oh come on Darlin'. Smile!" 
I sat up, giving him the biggest, fakest, smile I could. Will responded by sitting up, and giving me his signature grin, blinding me. Will's arm shot out, and I squealed, bending in half, capturing Will's wrist under me, trying stop him from tickling me. A giggle escaped me anyway, as he continued wiggling his fingers into my stomach. Will laughed joyously, and his other arm wrapped around me, bringing me into him. I caught my breath, sitting in between Will's legs, back resting on his Will's chest. Will rested against the head frame, arms around my waist, his black wing enclosing me into the safety of, him. I let out what I thought was an inaudible sigh, but I felt the rumble through Will's chest as he chuckled.
I rolled my eyes, and shifted my shoulders to sink farther into his chest. He sank down, and I twisted, so I was lying face down on top of him, his back now against the bed, our legs entangling, feathers brushing, fingers lacing together next to us.
I rested my cheek on the back of my hand, Will's free-arm behind his head. 

I closed my eyes again, and was just beginning to feel the waves of sleep wash over me, when the door to Will's room was flung open.My eyes shot open, and Will sat up, leaving us in the position of me straddling him, my knees bents by his waist, feet behind me, hands gripping his shoulders, eyes wide, panicked. Will's hands were behind him, propping himself up, wing's fluttering uselessly.
I swallowed, meeting the curious gaze of Will's younger brother, Lee, and, Lou Ellen. Her gaze sparked when she recognized who I was, since I'd drastically changed since she'd last seen me. Her gaze stopped at my midriff, and eyebrow shooting up, before she continued looking me up and down. I realized my shirt had ridden up, and yanked it down, covering the tattoo on my side, that Lou Ellen had obviously spotted, but I had no intention of letting others know about. She smirked, and raised an eyebrow, to which I discreetly shook my head, denying her of prying. Especially in front of Will. Her grin widened, and I knew it was too late to stop her. Lou Ellen shooed Lee away, before walking into the room as if she owned it, and closed the door behind her, leaning against it with her arms crossed.Will and I shifted to our original position of my back against Will's chest, his arms around my waist.
"Sooo, how long has this," She paused waving her hand towards us, and more specifically, Will's arms around my waist. "been going on?"
 I stayed quiet, letting Will do the talking. "Um, it's been going on, what," He leaned to the side to look at me. "about twelve hours?" I shrugged, nodding in response to his time estimate.
"And you've already gotten that far?" Lou Ellen pried, and my eyes widened as I realized she was biding her time, and building up to ask about the tattoo. I furiously shook my head, and Will thought I was responding to her question, which in a way I was, but Lou Ellen knew I was in my own way begging her to not say anything. She ignored me.
"Wha-No!" Will said, though he smirked looking at me.
I flushed under his gaze, drawing my knees to my chest, avoiding eye contact. Will and Lou Ellen laughed, and I rolled my eyes.
"So, Will," Lou started, and I swallowed, knowing what she was about to say. "I take it you don't know about Nico's tattoo?"
I felt Will's arms tense around my waist, and I brought my legs down, as he retracted his arms. "What?" Will choked, and I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, and was that, jealousy? Lou Ellen laughed, before managing to say,
"N-no need to be jealous, his shirt rode up when he sat up, and I saw it." She snickered, as Will's eyebrows shot up.
"Oh?" He asked, gripping my hips to twist me around.
I gasped, hands once again on his shoulders for balance. His warm hand slipped up my shirt, and when I realized what he was trying to do, I fought against him drawing my arms in, beet red. "St-stop! Please!" Will's hands stopped creeping up my sides, as he heard the panic that seeped into my words. His hands slipped out from under my shirt, looking confused, and I breathed a sigh of relief that was short lived, because Lou Ellen was suddenly behind us, and tried yanking off my shirt. I curled in on myself, bringing my knees up until they rested against Will, arms tucked behind them against my chest, holding my shirt in a bunch near my waist, hands shaking. Whatever you're thinking about for the reason to his reaction is probably right (did that make any sense at all?) I bit my lip, trying not to sob, and I felt Will's arms encircle me, pulling me to his chest, so my side now rested against him, but I didn't uncurl or open my eyes.
"What was that for Lou?" Will hissed over my head, arms holding me tightly.
She sighed. "Why does it matter to him?"
I felt Will shrug. "Why does he have to have a reason?" He snapped. My chest tightened, though I should be used to this. Them talking about me as if I wasn't there. That was normal. But it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. And there's only so much of it I can take.
"He doesn't, but I need a explanation! Not just a tone of voice!" Lou said.
Will was quiet at this, thinking. "Nico?"
I looked up in surprise at the acknowledgment. "Oh, right! I'm here too!" I meant to joke with the undertone of annoyance, but the bitterness overpowered, and guilt flashed through both their eyes, because this wasn't the first time this happened.
Before I stopped talking to them, this would happen. They'd begin to argue about why I was being bullied, and debate on the reason, not even asking me why I was being hassled. (Not that I would tell them anyway). So I'd made the 'joke' before.
I sighed, closing my eyes again, resting my head on Will's collarbone, though my arms stayed protectively around my legs.
"I-I don't want to talk about it."
"Aw, common. Please." Lou urged, and I sighed.
"I-I guess I can show you." I pulled away from Will, getting off the bed and stood up, lifting my shirt around the tattoo that was just over my left hip bone. The swirling black ink contrasted dramatically against my skin. It was a quote from The Light behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance, in Italian which is my native tongue.
' "Se io, potrei essere con voi stasera, lo farei. . . . non lasciare che prendano la luce dietro i tuoi occhi." ' I said, the Italian flowing easily and smoothly, my Italian accent returning. Will looked up at me with a burning gaze, away from the calligraphy-like words, his expression morphing to confusion when Lou looked up, also confused.
' "If I, could be with you tonight, I would never let them take the light behind your eyes." ' I translated, my accent slowly leaving, but the undertone of it was still slightly audible.
Also, sorry if incorrect. Blame google translate. The dot-dot-dot-dots are because I skipped some lyrics, so it just means there's more that wasn't used (in the tattoo)
Will nodded, understandingly, but Lou didn't understand. "Why that? Of all things?"
I let out a breath. "Because, because, it's for my sister. That, that if I had been there, that night, I would have stopped it from happening. Saved her, let her live. Let her eyes keep their sparkle. . ." I bit my lip hard enough for it to bleed, stopping the tears from falling.
"What?" Lou asked. I shook my head mutely, and thankfully Will intervened.
"His sister was, was murdered. That's part of why he stopped talking to us."
Lou nodded slowly, before getting up and hugging me. I stiffened, unsure what to do. I looked at Will panicking, and he just laughed, as I awkwardly patted her back. Thanks for the help Will. She pulled away, and flounced back on the bed.
"So, anymore we don't know about?" This time I smirked, loving the feel of the twisted smile back on my face, and the tug on the lip ring. I reached up and twisted the fake gauges, pretending to think.
"Well, there may or may not be. . . ."
Will let out a small gasp as Lou looked at me intrigued. My smirk widened, and I laughed at Will.
"Nico! You're putting permanent ink IN your body! Holes weren't enough?!" Will exclaimed, motioning to my earrings and lip ring.
"Well yeah, that's the idea. Something permanent." I said back. "Though this was because I wanted too." I glanced at, my now covered, quote. "Well, more for 'fun' I guess."
Lou grinned deviously. "And where might this one be?"
I grinned back, and passed the message that I was going to lie about the placement. "It's on my ass!"
Lou and I dissolved into laughter, as Will's eyes bugged out of his head, and he made a small choking sound, sputtering. I was finally able to make him flustered.
"S-so that m-means Will's the o-only one going to s-see it?" Lou managed to gasp, and I blushed, but then we made eye contact, and we collapsed in on ourselves with laughter again.
I fell to the floor, trying and failing to catch my breath, as Will's face darkened to a of flaming red. I finally calmed enough to climb back onto the bed, still breathing heavily. "I'm kidding Will. It's on my back. In between my wings." 
Will looked at me, and I looked away now serious, not ready to show, or tell him what it is. Lou just gasped for breath, avoiding my eyes, because we knew if we made eye contact, we'd be laughing again.
Lou stood, and ruffled her feathers, walking to Will's window pushing it open.
"I've go to go. I was dropping in to see if Will was back, because he wasn't here two nights ago, and now I know why." She shot me a knowing grin, before dramatically leaping out the window, and flying off.

I walked over to the window, realizing it was now sunset and looking at the beautiful colors, before closing the window, locking it and closing the curtain, the room suddenly darker. My eyes adjusted immediately, and I walked back to the bed, climbing onto an unusually quiet Will's lap.
"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.
"Your accent is such a turn on for me."
I turned red, but allowed my accent to be heard when I spoke again. "Oh yeah? Well, that's good to know. But now tell me, what's actually bothering you?"
"Don't joke like that!"
"Like what?"
"About, about having a tattoo, on, your, you know. . . ." He trailed off, cheeks tinted.
I grinned. "Aw, is Willy blushing?"
His eyes widened. "You can see me?" He asked.
I shrugged. "Course. Always could." I chuckled, remembering when he thought he was being sneaky in the dark, but not only could I see him the entire time, but he couldn't see! Not very well anyway.
He just pouted, pink cheeks gone. I placed my hand on his cheek, and pressed my inexperienced lips against his pouted ones. Everything melted away when he kissed back, gentle, yet full of love and passion. I yanked away when I felt a hand creep up my shirt, my hand tightly gripping his wrist, a noise I couldn't identify escaping my lips.
"Nico, Lou's not here. Let me see. It's OK."
I hesitated, thinking that I could use the dark as a cloak, but no. I was almost fluorescent with the paleness of my skin. ME I reached over and turned on the bedside lamp. I reached down shakily, and took my shirt off, clasping my hands behind my back. Will sharply breathed in, and I looked to the side, eyes closed against Will's reaction.
"Nico. . ."
I didn't respond, knowing what he was seeing. Every single rib, not extra fat, if you ran your hand straight down the from my chest, you'd barely skim my skin the entire time. Bones and muscle. That's what I was. I jolted, shivering as I felt Will's hand trace the outline of my six-pack, leaving trails of fire behind. I continuously forced my undernourished body to it's overload, while I work out, so I'd be ready when whoever killed my sister, came after me.
"Is this why you didn't want Lou to see?" He whispered, both hands traveling up my sides, before one moved over my stomach, causing me to flinch, the other continuing on it's path up, until he gripped my jaw, turning me back and forcing me to look at him. A tear traced its way down my pale face, and he wiped it away, taking his hand off my chest.
"Can, can I see the tattoo on your back?"
My wings fluttered anxiously, as I debated it. I shook my head, not ready or him to see that. Because even though I'd said it was for fun, which it was, it still had a deeper meaning for me. reaching for my shirt. I quickly yanked it over my head, feeling to open without it.
Especially the long sleeves. I was glad I'd kept my arms behind my back, TRIGGER Will didn't need to know about the scars that crisscrossed up my forearms.
I closed the light, and cuddled with Will, facing him, his arms around my waist, lying on our sides. He tugged me closer, and I snuggled into him, relaxing in the warmth of my boyfriend.

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