Chapter 28

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I rested my head on Will's shoulder, sobs wracking my body. Will hushed me, but he too had tears running down his cheeks.
"He took him, Will!" I gripped tighter at the back of Will's shirt, from where I was straddling him, and he pulled me closer, both to hug me tighter and to prevent me from sliding off the plastic police chair in the police station where we were.
"We'll get him back. You can't remember anything?"
I bit my lip, beginning to tell him that I was getting flashes, but didn't have a chance to say anything, because the office door opened. I twisted, so my back was to Will's chest, wings to the sides. Will kept his arms around my waist, and I laced my hands with his.
"I'm Officer Tzona." (Pronounced Sonah, and means asshole in Hebrew-I think) He was a heavy-set man, middle-aged, and obviously thought he was better than everyone, based on the way he carried himself, his large gut thrusted forwards. He had murky, dull blue eyes, not like Will's cerulean, alive ones. His hands were large, with fat fingers, and his detective uniform was somehow baggy on his wide frame, the leather belt not doing much.

The officer laced his fingers together, leaning forwards from behind his desk.
"What's this about a missing child?"
You could already tell he had no interest in finding Bennie. He was just putting on a show, to make Will and I feel comforted.
I pursed my lips, shifting slightly. "His name is Benjamin Solace-Di Angelo. He's seven, and has shaggy brown hair, and green eyes. His wings are black. He's small for his age, about the height of a five or six year old. And I already know who took him. My father. Hades Di Angelo."

*      *      *

"This is useless!" I shrieked, slamming my hands on the table, my chair skidding backwards as my wings flared in defense. I glared at the idiota idiot officer across from me in an interview room. He'd asked me, for the third time, if I remembered anything!
"Nico," Will whispered, standing up, and pulling me to him. "Just, try, OK? Please."
I took a deep breath, nodding. I closed my eyes, thinking back to last night, relaying what I remembered.


"I blinked, wondering what woke me up, to hear Bennie crying, and no longer in the room with me. I shot up, getting out of bed. I didn't bother grabbing a sweatshirt to cover my bare chest, wanting to reach Bennie as fast as I could. I yanked the door open, running into the hall, before freezing at the sight before me.

Bennie was sobbing as he gasped for breath, from his position in a headlock, the arm around his neck rippling as the owner of the arm shifted. My hands balled into fists, anger flowing through me. Bennie looked at me pleadingly, a breathy "Papa," leaving his shaking lips. He shifted, trying to wiggle out of his attacker's hold. I took a step forwards, and immediately, there was a sleek black .9 millimeter pressed to Bennie's head, the message clear. Move, and Bennie dies.
"Let him go!" I yelled, "He didn't do anything!"
The man holding my son grinned from behind the black ski mask, and tightened his hold on my son's throat. Bennie made a choked sound, his eyes rolling up, as his body fell limp.
"No!" I screamed, running towards him, but as soon as I moved, I was looking down the black abyss of the gun's barrel, inches from my face. I froze, raising my hands up to my shoulders in surrender.
"Please," I whimpered, "Leave him alone."
The man in the ski mask laughed, and my eyes widened as I realized who it was. Before I could do anything, he brought his arm back, and smashed the butt of the gun into my temple. The room blurred with tears, as my vision darkened, and the world went dark.
The next thing I know, I was on the bathroom floor." I finished talking, and let out a shaky breath, the tears once again falling. Will walked over worriedly, turning my head to look at the large bruise the back of the gun left. He ran his thumb over it, and I winced, trying to push him away.

"So, what you're saying is, we have no proof of anything. Only a burglary gone wrong." Officer Tzona oh so smartly put in.
"Did you not hear me say I know who was behind the mask!" I growled, and Will looked at me. I took another breath, and glared at the Officer. He blinked, swallowing, his excess chin fat wobbling. I closed my eyes, before I turned, and stormed out of the room, not bothering to see if Will was behind me.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Will and I were laying on the couch, not watching anything, just holding each other, the light from the setting sun slipping through the curtains.
"Don't apologize."
"No! I should! You wanna know why I always know when someone's sneaking up on me, and who they are!? Because I trained myself to! So I'd be ready if I was to be attacked! And then I can't fucking protect myself, and the child I love when it does happen!!" I was sitting up now, and was shouting.
"Nico, hey, it's OK, we'll figure this out. We always do."
I just whimpered, collapsing back into Will's chest. "Cazzo, Will. What are we going to do?" I mumbled. cazzo=fuck
Will chuckled. "You talk in Italian a lot when you're stressed, or flustered." He whispered, breath tickling my ear, and I shivered. "I don't really understand what you're saying, but I'm not sure I want to."
I blushed, burying my head into his chest.
"I love you, Death boy. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."
I mumbled something into his chest, and Will nudged me. "What was that?"
"Nothing, amabile-idiota!" I giggled, blushing. amabile-idiota=lovable-idiot
Will rolled his eyes, not even bothering to complain that I spoke in Italian. I snuggled closer, nuzzling into him, closing my eyes.

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