Chapter 29

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"They think it's me you know." I whispered, closing my eyes.
"What?" Will asked, sitting up in the bed, unraveling himself from me.
"I mean, remember what I wore?! My black ripped skinny jeans, a shirt with the sleeved ripped off, showing my tattoo sleeve, not to mention, the tail of one of the Yin-Yang dragon's that lays over my shoulder, visible in the neck line! My pierced ears, and lip! Yeah, I'd suspect me too." I added bitterly, sitting up now. "And, I have no alibi, being as I was the only one home, and the other two witnesses are missing."
"What about the bruise?" Will interrupted, and I was quick with a reply.
"Easily self-inflictable. I've seen plenty of staged murders."
Will let out a sigh. I wrapped my arms around my shins, resting my chin on my knee.
"Wait, you've what?"
"Murders?!" Will's voice was beginning to sound strained.
"Yeah," I murmured. "I was called over to the homicide's morgue, to check out some of the bodies. I was in on a couple cases."
"So you've left Bennie home alone before!?" Will shouted, before realizing what he said, slapping a hand over his mouth.
I turned to him in shock, hurt written all over my face. "I've never left Bennie home alone! And I went to the police morgue when I was off work, and Bennie was at school! I always went when I wasn't working! And if I had a shift, I'd get someone to cover for me!" I shouted back, feeling slightly betrayed. "And you don't believe me either, do you!"
"I, I do-"
"Save it, Will." I hissed, using his name as an insult. "You obviously don't."
I got out of bed, grabbing my pillow. I slammed our bedroom door closed, letting the tears of anger that I was hiding from Will, fall. I walked over to the couch, laying down, and pulling the ever present blanket on me, curling up.

I didn't fall asleep for a long, time. I was almost waiting for Will come and apologize. When he didn't, I gave up, feeling to sluggish to wipe my tears. Instead, I opted to let them glide down my face, tickling slightly, but I ignored it. Finally, sleep pulled me to it, dragging me under it's ever lapping waves, my sleep deprived eyes closing in relief.

I woke up, wrapped around my blonde fiance. I pulled back slightly, realizing that he must have walked out after I'd fallen asleep. He had shifted us so that his back was to the couch's backrest, his arms wrapped securely around me, holding me to his chest. My legs were interlocked with his, the blanket up to my shoulders, but falling gently around his waist, his giant black wings following the length of his side as a blanket. The way we were pressed to each other left my face to his collar bone. I let my eyes wander his toned body, (once again) feeling happy that he preferred to sleep in his boxers.

My fingertips trailed across his chest, my cold and pale hands contrasting his warm and tanned body. I heard a chuckle, and immediately blushed at being caught openly staring, still slightly mesmerized. Will's arms tightened around me, and I let my fingers crawl up his body, until the rested on his shoulders. He shivered at my cold touch, sending rippled through his muscled, and I practically drooled, causing Will to laugh harder.
"Does this mean you forgive me? I mean, you are drooling. . ."
I wiped hastily at my mouth, glaring at him when I found no drool. Then what he said sunk in, and I stopped all movement, tensing. Will didn't let go, but he too didn't speak.
"Hmm," I playfully said as I relaxed again, pretending to think.
I felt Will chuckle, but he was still slightly tense, uncertain.
 "I think I need to be convinced." I whispered, and Will didn't hesitate to press his lips to mine.
He pulled away, and I couldn't help the whine that escaped.
"What about now?" His voice was gruff with the morning, and I shivered.
"I don't think so," I said quietly, holding his chin.
He laughed, putting his own hand against my jaw, being careful of the bruise on my temple, as he pulled my lips to his. I laughed at his eagerness, but kissed back with the same intensity, trying to convey all my emotions through my lips. Will slowed the kiss down, as he guided my lips open. I knew Will understood all I was trying to say non-verbally, and he entwined his hand with my black onyx hair, as he kissed me passionately. I responded, not complaining at the slow pace, as our kiss deepened. We finally pulled away, and I laid my cheek to his chest, panting.
"Now?" Will asked, and I couldn't help but smile.
"Yeah. I forgive you." 
"Ti amo." I whispered, and Will didn't need me to tell him what that meant.
"I love you too."

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