Chapter 18

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Nico and I both turned, looking at Bennie, who was in his pj's, standing in Nico's living room doorway. Nico and I looked at each other.
Who's 'dad'? I asked
Nico bit his lip. You.
I nodded, and turned to Bennie. "Yeah?"
Bennie looked slightly surprised. "I can call you that?"
"Of course! I hope that's what I am to you."
Bennie blushed, walking hesitantly into the room. He walked up to Nico, clasping his hands nervously. "What should I call you?"
Nico looked at him tearily, a small smile on his face. "Does Papá work?" Nico's italian accent was heavy, drawling as he talked, and I shot him a look, which he ignored, a smirk lurking behind his lips.
Bennie nodded, biting his lip. "Papa," He said, trying it out. He lacked the silky italian accent Nico possessed, but Nico didn't care, his smile blooming, lighting up his face. Bennie threw his arms around Nico's neck, startling him, Nico's multi-color wings tensing, before Nico wrapped his arms around Bennie, a small smile on his face.

Nico and I had brought Bennie to Nico's house, after collecting Bennie's belongings, because even though Ms. Smaltz was Bennie's foster parent, all his stuff was at the orphanage. She didn't let him take any of his stuff to her home. Until we could find our own place, Bennie would be staying with Nico. I'm going to try and convince my dad to let me stay with Nico. Besides, we should tell our friends anyway, and why not do it by showing them! What could go wrong?

I walked over, and kneeling behind Bennie, wrapped my arms around Nico. "Bennie sandwich!" I crowed, and Bennie burst into giggles. I kissed Nico's forehead, frowning as I noticed it was warm. "Nico, are you feeling OK?" He nodded, but his eyes said otherwise. He looked away before I could make sense of it.
"Common Bennie," Nico said, standing up, and I released them. "Bedtime."
Bennie pouted, but knew not to argue. Nico picked up Bennie, and we walked into the spare room, which happened to be next to Nico's bedroom. Nico yanked back the covers, and laid Bennie down. I tucked him in, and sat on the edge of the bed. Nico walked to the door, closed the lights with the switch next to the door, before coming and sitting down next to me, grasping my hand.
Bennie yawned, closing his eyes. "Daddy? Papa? How did you meet?"
Nico and I looked at each other, breaking into grins.
"That's a good question Bennie," NIco started. "I don't remember."
"We were like, three, I think." I added, Nico nodding, as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Something like that."
We looked at Bennie, who hadn't opened his eyes since he'd closed them. I listened to his even breathing, and took Nico's hand leading him out of the sleeping boy's room. Closing the door behind me, I didn't let go of Nico's hand, and instead dragged him into his bedroom, closing that door too, and trapping Nico against it.
"Hi Love."
Nico shudders, blushing. "Hi."
I leaned my forehead on his, and he tilted his head up, our eyes fluttering closed; Nico's back pressed against the door wings spread, my forearm on the door near his head, the other hand on his hip, his arms around my neck, forehead to forehead. But something was wrong. He was tense.
"Nico, you know I love you, right?"
"Yeah. I love you too Sunshine." Nico whispered pulling away, and looking at the floor. "Which is why we can't do this. I'm so sorry, but I just, I can't do this. To, to Bennie, to Hazel, to you." His voice broke.
"What?" I said, eyebrows furrowing in total confusion, so many thoughts running through my head.
"I-Bennie, you, I just, I can't. We can't do this anymore!" He pushed me away, and I stumbled to the side, too stunned to resist. He stepped away from the wall, hand still on my chest, pushing me towards the window.
"Are you breaking up with me?" I whispered. This came out of nowhere!
"Yes! No? I don't know!" Nico said frantically, hand leaving my chest, as he threw his hands towards the ceiling, and stopped walking.
"Please, please don't do this." I walked towards him, and he backed away, until his back hit the wall. I managed to corner him, and this time when he pushed me, I didn't budge. Instead, I slammed the palm of one hand near his face causing him to gasp. The other I pressed to the wall near his hip, trapping him. His wings spread, opening as far as they could, pressing against my hand, as if trying to dislodge them, but I only growled, and pressed my chest to his. His wings dropped, and he slumped.
"Nico," I said, voice choked as I swallowed my tears. "What's going on?"
Nico looks up at me, and I used the hand that was near his head to wipe away his tears with my thumb, elbow on the wall to still act as a barrier.
"Hey, it's OK. Just, please tell me what brought this on? Did I do something?"
Nico rapidly shook his head. "No! No Will! You, you're perfect. It's me. Hades is still out there because of me, and," Nico broke off, pulling his head away from my hand, yanking up his sleeves, turning his wrists out to me, from which he had pulled the bandages off as soon as he could. I can't help but flinch, as I Iooked at the crisscrossed scars running all over and his pale forearms.
"I'm damaged Will! How can you love me? I'm just going to endanger your life, and now Bennie's too, because Hades will be back! And Bennie's going to ask why I always wear long sleeves, and ask about the scars! There not something I can hide Wi-mmm!"
I'd ducked down, pressing my lips his, cutting him off. At first he fought me, before going completely still, unresponsive, but I started moving my lips, eyes squeezed shut. Nico hesitantly reached up, wrapping his arms around my neck. His lips started to move with mine, a quiet sigh escaping his lips, as he gave in to me. He let out a surprised gasp as I pulled on his lip, the lip ring still missing, allowing me to slip my tongue into his mouth, both of us letting out a quiet groan as our tongues brushed. We pulled away out of breath, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, his arms still around around my neck.
"Nico," I sighed, happy he kissed back.
"Will. I, I'm sorry. I just, I freaked."
I nodded, pulling his closer, his wings wrapping around me, my own quick to follow. "I understand. It's OK. Just, please don't break up with me." I begged, as I lead him to his bed, and we lay down. He nodded, but stayed silent as he turned to face me, curling against my chest. I wrapped an arm around his waist, my other under the pillow my head was on.

"I love you Will. And I'm so sorry you have to deal with me." Nico whispered when he thought I was asleep, reaching up to place a kiss on my lips, before snuggling back into me, tucking his head under my chin. I tried to reply, to protest, but I was too far gone, and I doubt he would have believed me anyway.

Whoa! Is this the first chapter without an A/N in the middle of the chapter!? *gasp*

I know, it's a bit all over the place, with Nico's freak-out and all, but I wanted to add that in. Also, if you guys have more writing tips, please feel free to tell me! I love getting criticism, it helps me so much!

Another thing, in an upcoming chapter, there may or may not be smut involved. . . it's to be determined. . . . ((This is your fault Demigod_girl2) 😆😜)

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