SAD Epilogue

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Dedicated to 107bucky, because - I think she (those are your preferred pronouns, yes?) knows why.

Hi! So, I decided to post the sad ending, because I'm super proud of it. You're welcome.
(No, you don't have to read it 😉)

I also moved this so that it is before the happy ending, so those who want to read both still get their happy ending. 😊

And then,

Hades stood over his raven haired son, watching as red spread from the back of his head, staining the grass as the dirt soaked in the liquid. Hades took a step back, stumbling slightly as his clutched tightly at his shoulder, which was bleeding profusely. With a breathless laugh, Hades turned, and flew off, leaving his only son to bleed out.

Nico's body was found a couple hours later, by Will, who had flown to the clearing to grieve. There, he found his fiance.

During the investigation, they found a note in the leather jacket's pocket, written in blue pen.
It read:

Dear whom this may concern, (hopefully the police),
If you are reading this, than my body is under investigation. I know who killed me, and will tell you. But let me talk, er write, first.
You found me with a .9 slug either in my forehead, or my chest. The gun won't be found at the scene, as my- (Here, something was scratched out. The police managed to make out the letters 'f', t', and 'r'.) -killer has the gun.
When I was 16, my sister, Bianca Di Angelo was murdered. Two years later, I found out my exboyfriend was the murderer. He was a hired assassin. He attacked me, and my new boyfriend, and I defended myself. I killed him, and gave his body to the police. His name was Cupid, and his employer is the same person as my killer.
My father, Hades Di Angelo.
There, you have the name. A couple years ago, I was admitted to the hospital for a stab wound in my abdomen. That was inflicted by Hades.
I hope this note was helpful, and please, please, catch my father. He will most likely go after my family, which I can do nothing about. But you can.
Thank you,
The note was signed in loopy cursive-like handwriting by Nico Di Angelo, with a P.S. Tell my family, and friends, I'm sorry, and I love them.

Hades Di Angelo was caught trying to break into the fake safe house, a decoy set up for Hades incase he would try to go after Will and Bennie. The gun was found in his possession. He was found guilty for murder, and held accountable for his daughter's death.

. . .

Will squatted in front of the rectangle of dirt, a headstone on the other end. His breathing was short, taken in gasps as tears poured down his face in rivers.

Nico Di Angelo
A father, a fiance, a friend, a brother, a son, a well loved man.
I made him die at 28, idk how many years it would have been with all the time skips and shtuff

"I miss you Nico. It's been eight years but, I can get over you. I know, I know you asked for me to move on, but I can't." Will paused, wiping his tired, dulled eyes. "Bennie turned sixteen yesterday. I gave him your note, and the ring. He wears the ring with pride. We both miss you. Bennie would have been here today, but his girlfriend came back from vacation. He'll be here on your anniversary though. As will I. I know you can't answer me, but, were you happy? Did you feel I loved you enough? I did all I could, and more, but," Will trailed off, sobs wracking his body.


Will's head shot up, and he stood, wincing at the pop of his joints, as he wiped his tears, trying to hold onto the last of his dignity, though Bennie had seen him cry before.

"Bennie, I thought you were with Kaitlyn?"
The said sixteen year old shook his head, walking over to stand by his dad, looking at his father's grave.

"Hi Papa, I'm wearing the ring. Kaitlyn's good, she says hi." Bennie looked back at his father, biting his lip, the silver lip ring catching the light. "Dad and I played Battleship a couple days ago. I beat his ass!" Bennie laughed quietly, as Will shoved him playfully.
"I miss you." Bennie whispered, before he took his leave, turning and walking back towards the graveyard's gates, his black feathers shimmering.

Will watched his son walk away. Bennie was wearing Nico's leather jacket, which the police had given back after it was cleaned, and Bennie had grown into it well. But aside from the lip ring and the leather, Bennie wasn't close to Nico's punk/emo style. He was wearing blue jeans, and a bright shirt, his brown hair shaggy and floppy as ever.

Will sighed, looking back at the grave. "Goodbye Love, talk to you soon."

For real this time. Hope you all enjoyed!

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