Chapter 23

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Dedicated to I_ship_it24 for being the first to comment about wanting another chapter!

2 years after they adopted Bennie
Will POV

I heard the door open, and I shot to my feet from the couch, walking to the door. The smile on my face shattered as it hit the floor, and I froze at the sight of Nico's forearm, wrapped in bandages. OK, so this is when the previous update takes a-hold. From now on, his forearm sleeve is complete.
"Nico!" I hissed, grabbing his arm just as he finished locking the door, and he yelped. "I thought you quit!" I snarled, trying to unwrap the gauze.
"Will!" Nico exclaimed in pain, as my grip tightened when he tried pulling back. "I didn't cut! Stop! You can't take the bandage off yet! It's a tattoo!"
I relaxed but covered it up by glaring harder. "More ink? You should have asked first."
"It's my body! I can do what I want!"
"Not if it's illegal." I snapped, eyes narrowed.
"Tattoos aren't illegal!" Nico said exasperated.
"Still! You should at least told me-"
"I'm getting so done with this! You can trust me you know! I haven't cut since that night!"
I felt a wave of guilt flow through me. I should trust him. He's right. "Nico, what I meant was, if you told me, I would have gone with you, to support you. I'm sorry."
Nico yanked his arm back, jaw still clenched, and I knew this wasn't over. There was a soft thudding of footsteps and a child peeked out from behind the corner that lead to the living room, having walked from the short hallway that lead to the bedrooms. Nico's gaze softened as he looked at a, now seven, Bennie.
"Papa? Daddy? Are you fighting?"
Nico rushed over to him, squatting to his height. "No, no, Bennie, of course not. We're just having a. . . discussion. Common, let's go to bed." Nico lifted Bennie, and I trailed after them as they walked through the living room and then down the hallway to Bennie's room, closing the door to the bedroom behind them. I hung my head, fighting tears.

Nico POV
"Papa? Are you and Daddy going to break up?"
I jolted, looking at him. "Where did that come from? What gave you that idea?"
Bennie shrugged from under the comforter. "You and Daddy have a lot of discussions."
I flinched, realizing it was true. Turning back to my son, I played with the gauze on my arm, while tugging on the black lip ring. "I, I hope not."

Will POV
I took a step towards the door, resting my hand on the doorknob, about to go in and sit with them, when I heard a gut wrenching question.
"Are you and Daddy. . . break up?" I winced, and could picture Nico flinching.
"Where did that come from? What gave you that idea?" Was Nico's surprised reply, but I noticed he didn't deny it. I backed away from the door, not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation, and walked to Nico and I's room, hands in my pockets. My fingers bumped the small box, and I pulled it out of my pocket, running my thumb over the black velvet as I sat on the edge of our bed.

"Will-?" Nico froze, looking at the box in my hand. I was so engrossed in my thoughts, I didn't notice the door was opening, and failed to put the box away on time. An emotion flew across his face that was too fast for me to catch, but he just closed his mouth, and walked over to his side of the bed, grabbing his sweatpants from under his pillow, and marched to our connecting bathroom. That was normal. He liked to change in there, because even after two years, he was self conscious of the four inch scar the blade of the butcher knife his father had yielded, left. Yet, he liked to sleep shirtless, which I found odd, and amusing (or he slept in one of my shirts, which was a size to big). What wasn't normal, was how long he was taking.

"Nico?" I asked, walking over to the closed door. When I got no reply, I knocked hesitantly, and when I still got no response, I swung open the door, to see Nico sitting on the floor, knees by his chin, hands grasping at his hair as he rocked back and forth, tears streaming from his unblinking, unusually dull eyes.I rushed to him, gently untangling his hair from his fingers, uncurling his hand.

He looked up at me, and the same emotion raced across his face, and I finally recognize it. Jealousy.
"When were you going to tell me Will?"
"That you don't love me! That, that you've found someone better?!" Nico screamed, before lowering his voice so he wouldn't bother Bennie. "I mean, I shouldn't even be surprised. I knew it would happen soon enough, why'd I let myself get caught up in you?" He mumbled, talking to himself, as he laughed bitterly.
I blinked in shock, staring wordlessly at him, which only caused more tears to flow, when I didn't immediately deny it. Even though I had no idea what he was talking about."Nico seriously wha-"
"Bennie told me! That you had a guy come over, and you were being all secretive in our bedroom and-"
I cut him off, trying to explain. "Nico," I closed my eyes, taking a breath. "that was Cecil. Bennie had never met him before, and well, I'd asked Cecil to, to help me plan a way to propose to you."

Nico was silent, before he managed to say one word. "What?"
I pulled the box out of my pocket, and handed it to him. "I wanted to do it tonight, but then you called and said you wouldn't be home until late, and then," I trailed off, unsure what to say, as I watched Nico open the box.

His hand flew to his mouth, and he looked at me, tears still streaming down his face. "Will, I,"
I looked away from him, my own tears filling my eyes. My head dropped, and I took an unsteady breath.
 "Right, well," I swallowed thickly, rubbing my hands on my pants.

I felt Nico's hand on my face, turning me back. He stared at me, before he nodded.
 "Yes, Will, of course I'll marry you! What type of person wouldn't?"
Before I could answer him, Nico pressed his lips to mine, putting the box down, so he could grip my shirt. We pulled away laughing breathlessly, tears running down both our faces, smiles uncontrollable. I pressed my forehead to his, hand on his cheek.
I moved away, picking up the still open box that he'd put down on the cold tile. I looked at him in the eye.

"Let's try again, shall we?"
Nico laughed gently, tears still falling as he nodded.
"Nico Di Angelo, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
"Yes." He let out a sob of happiness, wiping his eyes with his right hand, his left in my grasp.

I slid the metal ring onto his left ring finger, and placed a kiss on each knuckle. He fell against me, both of us still on our knees, pulling each other as close as we could, our wings fluttering, before they too wrapped around us.

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