Chapter 24

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Day/morning after previous chapter WARNING: (badly written) MAKE OUT

I turned onto my stomach, mashing my face into to the pillow. "Mmm,"
Will laughed, closing the door behind him as he walked into the bedroom.
"Common, it's after eleven, and Bennie's at school," Will trailed off, and I couldn't help but smile, glad that I had the pillow to hide my face.
"I know you're awake!" Will said in a sing song voice. "Nico? Hellooo?"
His voice suddenly lost the playful edge. "Hey!" He crossed the room in a hurry, hand on the tattoo between my wings. "Hey? Are you really asleep? I know you're not a deep sleeper-aah!"
I'd suddenly flipped, grabbing Will's collar and yanking him onto the bed. Will let out a shaky breath, and I took advantage of his shock, straddling him. I twisted an annoyed scowl on my face, trying to look frustrated.
"Not everyone gets up at the ass-crack of dawn, Sunshine." I growled.
Will just rolled his eyes, setting his hands on my hips. "Yeah yeah. Only you would think eleven o'clock is dawn." He gently squeezed my hips, avoiding swearing.
My scowl twitched, and I forced my lips into a frown. "Whatever."
Will chuckled, lifting his knees, forcing me to sit on his stomach. I leaned back, resting against Will's thighs. Will's hands slid down my thighs, gripping my knees, before slipping back up. I reached down, grabbing the pant leg of my sweatpants, and tugging it back to my ankle, doing the same thing to the other one.
Will's gaze traveled over my bare chest, flinching over the scar, but then continuing without stutter. "I like it when you're shirtless." He said bluntly, and I blushed.
"Yeah, and in pants that can be removed easily." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes again.
"Well, duh." Was his creative reply.
I let a small smile be pulled onto my lips, and rolled off my boyfrien-fiance. "How do you know that you'll like what I have to offer?" I teased, laying on my side, propped up by an elbow.
"Let's find out." Will said, and I gasped, suddenly finding myself on my back with Will hovering over me, his knee between my legs, his hands gripping my wrists gently but firmly, to hold them in place over my head. I looked at Will, his prideful grin becoming a seductive smirk. I rolled my eyes for the third time, but I couldn't stop the grin that appeared on my face. He nudged his knee upwards, and my heart rate increased.
"Will," I breathed a warning, my Italian accent returning accidentally, and he cocked his head to the side, raising an eyebrow.
"Love," he said, voice deeper than normal with arousal, and he laced out fingers together, my engagement ring feeling strange in our clasped hands.
Leaning down, Will connected our lips in a rush of fiery passion, and I let out an embarrassingly loud moan as Will shifted his knee higher. I wrapped my arms around his neck, willingly giving into him. His lips moved with mine, my hands disappearing into Will's blonde locks.
Will, holding both my wrists in one hand, slid his other hand down my arm, his fingertips just barely brushing my skin. I shudder as Will's hand brushed down my jaw, and continued down, gliding along my side. Oops, never mind. It's smut. Sorry. I couldn't help but whimper, as Will's hand began to trail down my visible V-line in the low sitting sweats, continuing their light dance along the folded waistline.
"Will," I mumbled, nipping at his swollen lips, my accent thick,  I couldn't control it, as it leaked into every noise I made.
"What do you need Love?" He purred, moving away from my needy mouth, and gliding down my neck, latching to the juncture where my shoulder and neck met. I arched in pleasure, twisting my head in the opposite direction, allowing Will to have more skin to mark.
"I, I-" I couldn't think. I wasn't able to compose the words needed to tell Will that I needed more, more, more.
"What's that Nico?" Will said, his lips brushing my neck as they moved, his warm breath crawling over my shoulder. I shivered under him, struggling against his hand, which was still holding my wrists in place, while his other hand had slipped under the waistband. My eyes screwed shut, and I lost myself in the warmth of Will.
"Cazzo!" I yelped, moaning. Cazzo=fuck
Will's lips pressed against my neck, and he chuckled, as I twisted uselessly against his hand, my multi colored wings were bent at an awkward angle, tensing in a way that was really uncomfortable.
"Will!" I managed, trying to push him off of me. "Will seriously!"
This time, he pulled back.
"My wings! They-ow, merda-are stuck!" merda=shit
Will laughed, and I pouted at him. He helped move me, so that I was there longer laying on a bent wing. There you go Demigod_girl2 😂😇
Will leaned back down, pressing his lips to mine furiously, and we easily picked up where we left off. Will pressed him lips to my neck, still laughing at my predicament, causing vibrations against the sweet-spot on my neck, and I writhed against him, arching.
Will stopped all movement, and I couldn't stop the whines and whimpers of protest from falling past my lips.
"Nico," Will murmured, lips brushing behind my ear. "you never told me what you wanted." I whimpered, eyes fluttering shut again, my stubbornness not letting me speak, even though the pleasure had reduced enough to allow me to talk.
"Love," Will inquired, nipping at my collarbone.
"More," I begged, and his hand restarting its actions. My tongue and vocal chords could once again only produce sounds in the form of moans, which Will seemed content with, as he continued his assault on my all to willing body.

Blah blah blah, no, they don't go all the way, but pretty far.

Will's arm wrapped around me, tugging me closer to his chest. We were spooning, my left hand entwined with Will's right, our legs tangling together under the sheets. Will nuzzled his head into my hickey-covered shoulder, and I sighed. I'll get him for that. It's not winter, so I can't wear turtlenecks to cover the marks.
Oh well.

Time skip to that night, and Will POV

I shifted, blinking at the clock in confusion. It blinked back at me the numbers; 12:45am. What woke me up? I turned towards Nico's side of the bed, only to find him already awake and sitting against the headboard, wings spread to the side. I opened my mouth to ask why's he's up, when I saw a glint of titanium flash, and I realized he'd slipped the engagement ring off, and was twirling it in his hands.

He just looked up at me, not even startled, and my eyes narrowed playfully, to which he smiled innocently. I'd get him one day.His hand fisted around the metal ring, bringing my attention back to it.
"Will. How'd you know what date to inscribe?"
I flushed lightly, and sat up next to my fiance, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and drawing him to me.
"Like I said, I was planning on taking you on a surprise date last night, then walk in the park. I'd convinced Jason and Piper to take care of Bennie and everything. But then you called, and said you had to be at the morgue, Nico's not even close to being done with school (he'll complete it until he's about, 27 (that's actually how long it usually takes, sometimes 30 yrs of age,)) for forensic pathology (work on dead bodies/autopsies/determine cause of death etc.) and works in the same hospital as Will, courtesy of Will's dad-Will also is not even close to being done, he too will be done when he's 26, and he already works at the hospital, and doesn't need to worry about finding a job so I canceled with Jason, and planned on doing it when you got home, but then you were a lot later than I thought you'd be, but I waited up anyways. And then we got into anoth- a fight, an-" 
Nico pressed his lips to mine, effectively getting me to stop talking. His hand pressed against my face, three of his fingers still curled around the ring. His left hand gripped the back of my neck. I moved my lips with his, gently parting them to take his lip ring in between my teeth and tug, resulting in a moan from the back of Nico's throat.
He pulled away, breathing heavily. He looked up at me shyly from underneath his long eyelashes, a blush sprinkled across his cheeks, his ears turning red. He uncurled his right hand, looking at the ring again.
"Will, it's beautiful."
I smiled, placing a kiss on his forehead. "I'm glad you like it."
He tilted the ring slightly, gasping. "Will! You engraved Promise into it?" A grin spread across his face in happiness, eyes shining with tears. I once again didn't even have a chance to reply, before Nico's lips were on mine, more insistent and yet still full of passion.This time it was me who pulled back. I grinned down at Nico, taking the ring gently from him.

"Nico, a ring goes on your finger," I playfully chastised, slipping it back onto his left ring finger. "Not in the palm of your hand!"
Nico laughed, pulling me in for a sweet kiss, before tugging me down, so he could curl into me, falling asleep.

That was the most inappropriate thing I've ever written/typed *shivers*. I'm sorry.

I'm also sorry that I haven't updated in a while, and then, when I do, this happens. Oh well. I still need to edit this, but yeah. Have a good life, and I'll be back when I can/am not feeling lazy af. Lol, jk. I'm always lazy af. Anyways, I do have the next chapter ready. . . But the question is; are you ready for it? (It's not that bad, I promise).

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