Chapter 13

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Nico POV

My eyes opened to sight of people dressed in white, and at first I thought-and hoped-I'd died, but then I saw the red cross with a white wing on one side, and a black one on the other, on the shoulder of their sleeves, rushing around me, and I heard a muffled, 'He's awake!' followed by someone pushing a mask onto my face, and my vision blurred even more, before my eyes slid shut, and everything went black.

I was once again woken, feeling droopy, and I looked at the still blurry ceiling, though now it was different and I knew I was no longer in the kitchen. I tried to turn my head, but was not able to move, my body feeling heavy, pulling me down. The mask was still on, pure oxygen flowing into my nose. I heard the sirens, but they were distant, muffled through the fog all around me.
Suddenly, I felt a sharp sting in my stomach, and I screamed, the pain intense and centered around where I was stabbed, my back trying to arch, restrained by straps, but my movement only caused more pain, and I blacked out again, but not before seeing Will's sobbing face trying to help the medics that were with us in the back of the ambulance.

Will POV

As soon as we reached the hospital, Nico was rushed to an emergency surgery room. Kayla, my half-sister who ran the check in desk because she was squeamish around blood, ran to me, face worried and paled more as she took in the sight of me, shirtless and covered in blood. Nico's blood.

Kayla threw me my lab coat, with my name Dr. W Solace stitched above the chest pocket. This was the hospital I worked in, I was head doctor and I practically live here, my father being the boss of all doctors, and me going to med school, passing with flying colors, and even though I was technically an intern, I was better than most doctors here.
My father walked around the corner, seeing me began walking over. I let out a quiet sob, and my dad sped up, walking quickly over to me. I collapsed against him, placing bloody handprints on the back of his doctor's coat, Dr. A Solace stitched above the pocket. I probably smeared the front of his coat with red, my clothes covered in the staining fluid.

Another doctor stuck his head around the corner, brown hair flopping in his eyes, as he yelled at me to get into surgery room 203, I was needed there immediately. Nico's room. I pulled away from my dad, and the entire elevator ride to the second floor was full of me trying not to panic.

I walked in shakely, and most people looked at me, waiting, while others rushed around Nico, trying to stop the bleeding that had started again.

"Doctor, help!" One yelled to me, even though they too were a doctor.

"We're losing him!" Another warned, pressing the oxygen mask furmer to Nico's face.
The heart monitor gave a stutter, before flat lined, and my heart skipped a beat, my mind shutting down, before starting up again, but I could only stand in place and watch as people started compressions, careful of the knife wound. Kayla rushed in, and when she saw me frozen, grabbed my coat collar, and shook me. "Will! What's wrong with you? Why aren't you helping?"
I slowly focused my attention on her, swallowing. "What if I mess up? If I fail? What if he dies, and it's my fault?" I whispered, a tear falling down my face.

Kayla's face softened just slightly, but she spoke firmly. "Then you know you did all you can. But you're just standing here!" She yelled. "That's your boyfriend Will! He's dying! And you're doing nothing!" She pointed behind her, at the desperate nurses and doctors, setting up the bulky AED. "That's the boy that your heart belongs too! That you love! Now help him, or so help you. . ." She trailed off after her unfinished threat, and I spun into action, yelling orders, grabbing the AED pads from the nurse offering them.

"CLEAR!" I shouted, pressing the metal to Nico's already shirtless body, and he jolted, back arching, and then, and then nothing.

Tears poured down my face, as I rubbed the pads together for friction, the machine whirring as it energized again, but before I pressed the pads to him, the heart monitor gave a quiet beep, and then another, and another. I withheld a sob of relief, and we shut down the AED. I began yelling demands again, asking for what I needed, and when I needed it. Finally, we'd stopped the bleeding, and cleaned and stitched the wound, but only after performing a small surgery to fix the nerve endings and muscle tears.

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