(1) Coming Home

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A/n: Hey everyone so I wanted to quickly say welcome to the story. My reader insert areas are marked by the following (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE please do not comment these I get at least 10 notifications a day just from people commenting on these):

Y/N : Your Name (do not comment)

B/F/N : Best Friend's name (do not comment)

Y/T/L : Youtube Logo (do not comment)

Y/T/C : Youtube Channel (do not comment)

Y/N/N : Your nick name (do not comment)

I will try to keep most author notes to the top of chapter. TTFN! Tata for now.


Cincinnati, Ohio. Where I was born and lived for most of my life. I had two older brothers and I lived with my mom until I went away to college. My oldest brother, Thomas. was an artist and and author of a web comic. My other older brother, Mark, is internet famous. Mark currently lived in LA but he was coming into town to see me graduate. Then the fun part comes. Mark was letting me move in with him and his two roommates in LA. Mark being 27 is three years older than me, meaning I am 24.

"(Y/N)!" My mom called from downstairs distracting my thoughts and packing.

"Yeah mom?" I called back poking my head out of my bedroom door.

"Your brother's plane will be here soon I'm going to go pick him up. I have supper started can you keep an eye on it?" She was at the bottom of the stairs holding her keys and purse.

"Yes mom I'm almost done up here any way." I smile down at her.

She nodded and waved before leaving to the airport. I went back into my room and finished packing up my things. All that was left was Mark's old computer that he left for me, which I was now leaving for mom, my bed and dresser, because Mark told me he would buy me a bedroom set as a graduation gift for his little (favorite animal). I made my way to the kitchen petting Lucy on the way. I checked on dinner looking out the back door. The kitchen table was piled with a few boxes of decorations for the graduation/going away party that we are having in in two days. I walked into the front room and sat down flipping channels trying to find something to watch but nothing interesting was on so I just wander into the back yard with the puppies. I sat on the back porch smiling. I was zoned out thinking for so long that I didn't even hear my mom pull in the driveway or the doors opening. All I knew is I was suddenly picked up over the shoulder of a man in a red flannel shirt.

"Mark!" I squealed trying not to laugh.

"(YN)!" Mark grinned putting me down and giving me a tight hug. I hugged him back smiling. Mark pulled back slowly and looked at me. It had been almost a year since we have seen each other because I wasn't able to come home to visit much due to work, classed, studying, and everything. I grinned and ruffled Mark's red hair. He scowled and fixed his hair as I walked onto the house.

The three of us sat and had dinner together as a family and mom began cleaning up the kitchen while Mark and I went to the living room and played some games. Our game was interrupted when Mark got a phone call. He excused himself and walked into the other room talking on the phone and I caught him say "Matt" (as in his former editor Matt Watson) who I knew was one of his room mates so I was hoping everything at home was alright. Mark came back sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as he sat back down next to me.

"Matt's computer crashed and lost the edited video for tomorrow's upload so I'm going to have to improvise a video." Mark looked at me.

"Well we have time tomorrow morning before the ceremony or we still have tonight and your old computer is in my room." I suggested. Mark nodded then looked at me with a smile before taking my hand and ran up to my bedroom pulling me with.

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