(12) The Rake

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 It's been a week since Mark and I returned home from Seattle and Pax. I was currently setting up in my room for my first game with Jack. Mark had suggested we play The Rake. I sit down munching on some dry cereal that I grabbed for a snack. I had everything ready and was just waiting for Jack. A few minutes later I got the call from Jack.

"Ey (Y/N) sorry I'm a bit late Signe was over getting some of her things that she forgot. Then I ate." Jack apologized. I shook my head holding up a finger as I finished chewing. "It's alright I'm over here snacking myself so it's alright."

Jack and I talked about the weather and cereal while he set up on his computer. When we were ready we started the game and the recording. Jack got the first gun and we both grabbed cameras. We went out and started setting up cameras. As we walked in the game we made conversation about like what the Rake was and why we might be out here. Arriving at a lookout tower I went up to check when I was attacked by the Rake. I leaned back away from my screen and yelped out a small scream of fear. "Dang you booty licker alien like creature of the dark!" I yelled at the screen trying to calm down as Jack laughed. "You alright there (Y/N)?" Jack asked after I came down from the tower. "Peachy. The darn thing just thought he would swing on down and try giving me a big old smooch of death." I shook my head as we made our way to get the bear traps and the other gun. On our way back to camp we set up more cameras and replaced broken ones. I went into the trailer and Jack went on top. "He broke that camera up the hill go fix it and put some traps down for him." I told Jack. "Got it!" I looked out the window and seen him run up the hill. While he was coming back he started freaking out. "He's coming for me! Help!" Jack called running back up to the trailer hiding up top. I exit the trailer and seen the rake running back and forth on a loop by the ladder. I laughed leaning back. "He sounds like he's making a wub wub wub wub noise when he runs and he's stuck on you Jack. He wants to wub wub your face Jack!" I laughed and just kept watching the rake.

After a while we ended up shooting the rake till his death since he was stuck. Jack and I finished the recording and I went to get a bottle of water before returning. We talked about what other games we should play together in the future but we really just ended up laughing over the rake and how it moves and sounds. "You are now Wubwub!" Jack exclaimed as he set up for another recording of Turmoil. "Okay I can live with that for now. I should leave you go and record but we should totally play another horror game they're fun." I smiled. Jack nodded in agreement and waved at me. "I'll talk to ya later." I waved and said a goodbye before the call ended. I left my recording room and found Mark being Mark in the kitchen. We sat and ate a quick lunch together before I went back to my room to record.

A/N: Okay so I'm sorry that this is short I have alot to do today. Though I do want some suggestions from you; comment below what horror co-op game You and Jack should play next.

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