(3) Happy Times

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 Mom and Mark were talking in the kitchen about me living with him when I came downstairs after my shower. My hair was still wet and wrapped up in a towel. Mom looked over at me as I came into the kitchen. "Hey darling Tom will be here shortly." She informed me. I nodded and grabbed myself a cup of water. "I'm going to go finish getting ready we have to leave in an hour at most two if I want to get there on time." I told them as I went back upstairs. I took my hair down out of the towel and quickly dried it before I styled it to my liking before I got dressed and put on my makeup lightly. I never wore a lot of makeup mainly because i found it a bit itchy and I didn't really need it. As soon as I was done I went down stairs carrying my cap and gown with me. Thomas and Mark were chatting in the living room as they were helping mom start decorating for the party tomorrow. I went over to my oldest brother and hugged him.

"Do you guys want to take a break from decorating and carry some boxes to the car?" I smiled at them. Mark smiled and nodded. Thomas kissed my head smiling before they both went to my room to bring down my boxes. We were shipping my boxes to LA so they would be there by the time Mark and I got back. Matt and Ryan already knew to expect the boxes and to put them into the guest room which would now be my bed room. As soon as the boxes were loaded Mom and Mark quickly took them to the post office before coming back to get Thomas and me. The car ride seemed long mainly because I was a bit nervous. Part of my life was over and I was going to be moving on. Mark was in the back seat with me leaving Thomas and Mom in the front. Mark was playing on his phone mainly on Twitter talking to some of his fans. After we arrived I put on my cap and gown taking pictures with family members before the ceremony.

**Time skip to after the graduation ceremony because Author is lazy**

On the way home mom, Mark, and Thomas all took turns telling me how proud they were of everything I have done. We went out to dinner to celebrate before going home. We played a few family games together before turning in for the night. The following morning I woke up and got dressed before heading downstairs to help prepare for the party. The party wasn't going to be that big at all mainly family, Bob and Mandy, Wade and Molly, and my best friend were the only non family that were going to be there. There were a few other people that were going to come but after my breakup with my ex Chris I didn't talk to them any more because they were his family members. As I got ready I listened to some of Mark's prop hunt videos because they were my favorite. Mark said he would never play with me though because the one time I did play he kept losing because I'm a boss at prop hunt.

When the time for the party came around Thomas started a small fire in the pit out back and Mark plugged my phone in for music. Mom had all the food set up. Family started coming but they ended up leaving almost as soon as they came. Well that's what you get for having a party on a weekday when people have work the next day. Bob and Mandy were the first ones that arrived. I ran over and hugged Bob. He was such a big help my freshman year on campus when he showed me around and helped me study a bit. Mandy on the other hand was like the sister I never had. She was the one I went to for advice when it came to guys and such. Honestly they were my favorite of Mark's friends. Bob teased Mark about me being a better gamer since he had seen Mark's video of us playing Tug the Table. I laughed as I opened the door letting my best friend, (B/F/N) in. I gave her a tight hug. (B/F/N) was a year older than me but she was amazing and I trusted her with everything, including the fact that my brother was Markiplier. I was just about to close the door when I seen Wade and Molly walking to the door. Quick small note, Wade and I dated for like a week just to make Mark mad. It was so funny.

We all sat around joking, laughing, and talking. We ate and chated and just had a good time. After eating I opened a few of the presents that I had gotten. Mandy and Bob got me a camera. Wade and Molly got me a new controller that hooks up to my computer. (B/F/N) made me a shirt with a (Y/T/L) on it with the words "(Y/T/C)" on it. Thomas got me a drawing pad that works with my computer. Mom got me a new phone with (Favorite animal) phone case to go with it. Right when I was done telling everyone thank you Mark handed me his phone. I looked at the phone to see Matt and Ryan skyping.

"Hey (Y/N)! Congrats on graduating! We can't wait to see you! We wanted to show you our gift." Ryan said as they turned the camera and showed you this amazing computer setup. Matt wiggled the mouse and showed you the background which was the same picture as the shirt. "We thought you could join the rest of us when you got here so we took the liberty of starting you a youtube channel. We'll have it ready for you to post your first video when you get to your new home. See you soon (Y/N)." Matt smiled and waved. The skype call ended and a grin was plastered on my face. I hugged everyone and thanked them all again. The party came to an end and everyone said their goodbyes. Tomorrow Mark and I were going to be flying to LA. I was just so excited to begin the next chapter of my life. Chapter Youtube.

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