(18) Halloween Party pt 2

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 I looked at Amanda in shock. J-Fred likes me? Joey, the goofy giant that I think of like a brother likes me? I couldn't believe it. I shook my head in awe as I tried to think of something, anything, to say but nothing came to mind. Matthias came up to us with a smile and hugged Amanda and said he would be back after he picked someone else up. Matt left leaving Amanda and I alone with Joey.

It wasn't that long before Bryan and his wife arrived. Mark and Amy arrived shortly after them and after that it seemed like everyone was showing up slowly. I snuck Amy ff to the side and told her about Joey liking me and she was nearly as shocked as I was. We went back by Mark who just so happened to be talking to Joey. We talked about J-Fred's zombie makeup. Kevin came over with a camera filming for Hi5 Universe. J-Fred was talking about the party when I zoned out a bit thinking about a certain green haired Irishman.

That's when I heard it. I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me but then I heard it again. A laugh. Not just any laugh though. My head shot up and I looked through the costumed guests when my eyes landed on one certain grin. A smile spread across my face so fast that there was no doubting that someone thought I was as crazy as Harley Quinn. I ducked past Kevin to run over to a man in a Joker costume. I couldn't stop myself as I jumped up, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. His arms wrapped around my waist securely. "Hello to you too little monster." I heard the familiar Irish voice chuckle into my ear as he hugged me close.

I giggled softly and looked up at his shining blue eyes and laughs softly at his bad Joker make up. "Can I fix your make up?" I asked softly. Jack nods with a sheepish grin. "I was hoping you would." I smile and nod. I took Jack's hand and walked back over to Joey, Mark, Amy, and Kevin who were in the same place. Joey looked a bit off and I was guessing it was because he was hiding his jealousy. "JoJo can I have the keys to your car so I can get my make up?" I smiled at him. Joey nods and fishes his keys from his pockets and hands them over. I took them and took Jack out to the car. He leaned against Mark's car which was parked next to Joey's. I wiped off what was on his face and started to redo it correctly.

"Were you surprised?" Jack asked looking at me as I put my stuff back in Joey's car. "Of course I was. You were so busy but I see why now. Sean you could have told me you were coming that would have been surprise enough for me." I grin at him locking the car door when I was done. Jack wrapped his arm around my shoulders with a smile on his face as we walked back into the studio. "That wouldn't have been as fun." Jack teased and looks down at me. We just entered the studio. "Can we sit for a moment and talk where it's not as loud?" He asked glancing back at the warehouse. I nod and we sat on the stairs.

"I'm here because I want to convince Mark to let you come home with me and visit. I want you to see Ireland and I want you to come stay with me for a while because honestly.." Jack looked so serious when he started talking and then he got softer and fidgeted a bit. I rested a hand on his knee to hopefully comfort him a bit. Jack looked me in the eyes, even moving a bit so we could be in more direct sight of each other. "..because honestly I think I might be falling for you." His voice was softy and gentle. I felt my heart soar and butterflies erupt in my stomach as I looked into his eyes and seen that he was being completely honest with me. I felt my cheeks get hot as a blush formed. My mind was a jumbles mess and I couldn't even make a sound. Jack smiled when he saw my smile but it slowly faded the longer I stood there in silence. "(Y/N) I'm sorry did I make things awkward?" he asked worry clear in his voice.

I shook my head still not able to form words. I caressed his cheek softly and leaned in softly doing the one thing I could think of to show him how I felt. Our lips brushed, it was soft, it was light, it was so fast I didn't think it was real. Then it happened again. His lips touched mine and I felt my knees get week. Shivers ran down my spine as he pulled away and my lips tingled wanting more. Jack had this wide grin on his face that made me smile so much it hurt. "I'll take that as you like me too?" I giggle at his question and nod my head.

Jack wrapped his arm around my waist and we went back to the party. I couldn't stop smiling as I went back to Joey to return his keys. Jack started up a conversation with Mark like it was nothing and he totally just didn't kiss me. Amy had a knowing look in her eyes but I knew she was staying quiet because of Mark. I blushed just thinking about what she would say. Yet I just couldn't get my mind over the fact that Jack and I had truly kissed. He kissed just like he hugged and if I was his I would be addicted. 

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