(6) About Moi

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"Matt, Ryan you should write down some questions for me to answer in my first video. Getting to know MOI!" I smiled and sat in between them on the couch. Matt laughed and grabbed a note pad and started to write a few and then he passed it to Ryan who wrote a few down. Once they had about ten questions written down they handed the pad of paper over and I disappeared to my recording room. After a moment of thought I ran out of my recording room to find Mark.

"Markimoo!" I called running towards his room. Mark opened the door and looked at me. "Yes (Favorite animal)?" Mark asked raising an eyebrow.

"Can you help me setup my bedroom for my first vloggy-vlog?" I asked batting my eyes. Mark just chuckled and nodded. He grabbed a few things before going to my bedroom. I made my bed up and made everything look nice. I sat at the end of my bed where I would be for the vlog and Mark set up everything around me. I thanked him after he showed me the controls for the camera remote. I waited till Mark was gone closing the door behind him. I took a deep breath and started the recording.

"Aaaaaloha creatures of E-arth and welcome to About MOI!" I smiled using as much energy as I could. "So first off please call me (Y/N). I was always taught that manners count so here is a quick video for you to learn who I am." I stated then glanced down at the notepad and talked in a deep voice kind of trying to mimic my brother while I asked myself the first question, "Where are you from?" I looked completely at the camera and answered myself, "I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio but currently I'm in LA." I again used my low voice to ask another question, "How tall are you?" I laughed softly and looked at the camera. "Well I'm 5 foot 4 and I have stopped growing so I guess I'm short-ish?" I laugh at myself. I continued using a low voice while I asked myself questions and replying in a regular voice.

Q: Favorite animal?

A:(Favorite Animal). My brother even calls me little (fav animal).

Q: What is your favorite game?

A: Prop hunt! So be prepared there will probably be a lot of that eventually.

Q: Why did you start Youtube?

A: Well I've always really loved youtube and the communities. My brother has been on youtube for so long and it has helped him with so much that I just wanted to be apart of it too.

Q: What are your hopes for the channel?

A: I don't have much yet but I really hope that this could be a safe happy place that brings smiles to others.

Q: What games do you plan on playing?

A: As of right now I am planning for a game of Spore where I do a strictly Carnivore route and then a strictly herbivorous route. I also might do a sims challenge. I am also already planning on my first Prop hunt video with Muyskerm aka Bob and Lordminion777 aka Wade.

Q: Who is your inspiration?

A: One of my inspirations are Jacksepticeye. I love his energy I love his humor he's just amazing. I also really like SuperMaryFace she's such a sweetheart and she's helped me with my insecurities. Well... I guess I would have to add this or he would feel upset but Markiplier aka the biggest doof brother ever is one of them too.

I put the pad of paper to the side. There was only two things left for me to say and I could remember those. I lowered my voice one last time, "The last question is who would your dream collab be with?" I laughed and ran a hand through my hair. "Honestly Jacksepticeye. I feel like we would be fooking hilarious together, or at least that's what my brother would say." I smiled and clapped my hands. "Well that's all that I have to say for today but I will add that this channel will be filled with gaming, raging, vloggy-vlogs, and eventually sketches with my roommates. I want to also give a big thanks to Ryan and Matt from Kids with Problems for making my channel for me as well as thanking my doof of a brother Markiplier for surprising me with my own recording room which you will see in the next video! If you liked it skip on over to subscribe and boop that like button! Till next time OHANA!" I grinned and waved before ending the video. (A/N: Ohana is referring to the followers as family. I know it doesn't mean goodbye guys I've lived and breathed Lilo and Stitch for like 3 months straight.)

I took everything down and put it back where Mark had it. I then took the camera to my recording room where I took the video from the memory card. I edited the video and started the upload. I edited the description to add in the youtubers that I mentioned in the video just to be safe. After the video was uploaded I went to make food and talk with the guys. We all sat and talked about how I thought my first video went. Mark didn't really listen though and seemed a bit distracted but I just took it as him being tired.

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