(4) Chapter Youtube

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 I squealed waiting for Mark to unlock the door. Mark chuckled and went even slower as he looked at me. I whined making Mark laugh. Before he could finish unlocking the door it was opened by Ryan and an excited Chica. "Ryan!" I exclaimed and hugged him. Ryan chuckled and hugged me, "Hey how was your plane ride?" I scrunched up my nose and looked back at Mark who smiled and distracted himself by petting Chica. Ryan chuckled and stepped aside let me in. Matt was on the couch watching tv. I waved at him and he waved back. I wandered around the house exploring everything. I looked in the kitchen at all the food options and scrunched up my nose. There was so much microwave meals and everything that would make you think these were college guys. Good thing I'm here now to actually cook for these guys.

I wandered upstairs walking past a some rooms with the door closed. I entered the last room upstairs, which was also the only room with an open door. It was pretty empty but it had a new black bedroom set and my boxes in a corner waiting to be unpacked. I smiled and sat down on the bed. Mark came up and leaned against the doorway looking at me. I turned to look at him with my eyes slightly watering. "What's wrong?" Mark asked and came over sitting next to me.

"I'm just so happy. I'm starting youtube. I'm living with you in LA. I'm just so happy. Thank you Markimoo." I hugged him tightly. Mark hugged me and rubbed my back. He was always so amazing. The only time Mark and I would fight is over games or when I'm being stubborn. I looked up at Mark with a smile and he kissed my head and got up. "Come on I'll show you your recording area. I'm sure you'll like it." Mark lead me down stairs and into a room that looked like it was an old large closet. The room was (favorite color) and black/white (Whichever matches better with your favorite color) padding to help the sound quality. It was just what I always imagined it would be. I walked over to the comfy chair that was just like the one Mark always used. I turned on the computer and looked at the icons. There were already a few games downloaded that includes Spore, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, and Gmod. I looked over at Mark smiling.

"Bob and Wade said when you were all ready they would play some prop hunt with you."Mark smiled. I smiled and got up hugging him. I still had to set up the gifts that I got and I wanted to check out what Matt and Ryan did as my Youtube page.Then I would be ready for my first video. I went back to my room and dug through my bag for the gifts I was given. After grabbing them I went back downstairs to my recording room Mark and Ryan were talking in the kitchen and Matt was still watching tv.

"Hey Matt can you give me a hand plugging these in so I make sure I do it right?" I ask him. Matt got up smiling and walked with my into my recording room and he showed me where to plug everything in. Matt sat in my chair and patted his lap. I raised an eyebrow and gave him a look. Matt chuckled, "I'm not trying anything just sit so I can show you something." I hesitated for a second before sitting on Matt's lap. Matt moved my mouse around and hovered it over a file. "This is the file or all your recording systems. I know I get confused so I thought it would be easier for you too if they were all in one folder." The mouse then scrolled over to a video file. "This is a quick editing tutorial that I made even though Mark told me you're pretty good at editing already. I also added a dropbox that is connected to all of us so if you need help with something you can share it here for us to see."

I paid attention to what Matt was saying about the computer. Mark walked over from the kitchen and stood in the doorway watching us for a moment before clearing his throat making me jump. "What's going on here?" Mark asked sipping from the water bottle in his hand. I quickly got off of Matt's lap and Matt stood up himself. "I was just showing (Y/N) how I had her desktop setup. Mark nodded and looked between us. "Remember I already told you and Ryan she's off limits. As for you missy don't make me crazy and date another one of my friends, joke or not." Mark had his "protective brother" voice on. I couldn't help but remember the joke. Those were the good old days.

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