Author's Note

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Three things I want to mention in this.

One: I love love love love Signe and Amy. Obviously for the story I couldn't have Signe and Jack together but I do plan on having Mark and Amy together in this story. 

Two: So due to Pax West going on over the weekend I didn't write at all and now I am recovering from the emotional feels overload I have received during the pax panels including my otp Wade and Molly getting engaged! So Yeahhhh I will hopefully have something ready on time to update but If I don't I apologize dearly. 

Three: I'VE BEEN TAGGED!! So I was tagged by Ale10794 sooo here we go!

1.) Favorite Song: All the Way!  the song made for Jack or I'm currently listening to a Harley Quinn song by Anna Murphy

2.) Favorite Sport: American Football 

3.) Favorite Band: Um tough question since music is bae.... Its a three way tie between All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, and 5 Seconds of Summer

 4.) Favorite Show: Um Sleepy Hollow? AHS? Dance Moms? Botched? That's all I really watch on TV in general 

5.) Favorite Movie: Depends on my mood but I think its safe to say any Disney movie 

6.) Favorite Color: Purple. but like Lavender purple or a pastel purple

7.) Favorite Food: PASTA AND PIZZA YO!

8.) Favorite Drinks: Depends but most the time its apple juice or water

9.) Favorite Games: Town of Salem, Sims, Golf with Friends (even if the game hates me), LoL (I'm still learning this game), and probably more but in all honesty Sims probably should be at the top of this  

Now I'm not going to randomly tag people so that narrows this list down to one person and that is kittykatclanbitches tag you're it boo boo

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