(22) Yes and No

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(Edited: Sept. 29, 2024)

"I am so sorry." Jack was apologizing for the nth time that morning after we woke up. Our social media was just blowing up with reactions from the single Instagram post. Twitter even had our ship name trending. We were currently reading through some of it, and every time something bad was said about me, he would apologize. Overall, the fans were pretty 50/50, almost with opinions. After reading a bit of what the fans were saying and reposting some fan art, we went to Twitter to officially announce that we were a couple. Our friends congratulated us, and we went off to make our last video together since I would be leaving in a few days and need to do extra recordings.

We finished, and Jack went to play casually downstairs while I did my recording. After my recording was done, we went out for coffee and met a few fans on the street who wished us the best for our relationship, which was so sweet. Though we also ran into a few fans that waved at Jack and gave me a nasty look but I just ignored them and focused on the wonderful smile on Jack's face. We went back to his house after receiving a message from Bob inviting us to play Overwatch, which we happily accepted. Sadly, we didn't get to play with Bob long because as soon as people realized that we were in the game and skyping with Bob, they instantly started questioning us about the relationship. We stayed offline for the rest of the night as we discussed what we wanted to happen between us since I would be leaving to go home soon.

By the end of the night, I truly didn't want to leave Ireland. I didn't want to leave Jack. I knew I had to, though. I wasn't ready to move out of the country yet, and I'm sure Jack and I would get tired of each other. I sighed to myself as I laid down next to him in bed and cuddled close. We slept the night away and half of the following morning. After eating breakfast and checking social media again, we decided to make a video addressing the most common questions and hopefully calming the fans down a bit. So Jack let me set up the camera for the video, so I took it outside so we could sit on his porch while it wasn't raining. We explained how I would not be moving to Ireland and he wouldn't be moving to LA. We went on to explain how the support is great and how much it isn't okay to be sending hate. Overall, it was just a short and sweet video. Jack took it and went to edit it so he could upload it. I took that time to make us something to eat. Gosh, I still feel on cloud 9 over the whole thing.

**Mini 2 day time skip**

Leaving was so hard. Jack drove me all the way to the airport, and I could tell he didn't want me to go. When he hugged me goodbye, his arms felt so much tighter, and the hug lingered. I tried so hard not to let any tears fall as I wish I things could have been a bit different, but we would make it all work out in the end. Jack softly kissed me right as I had to board the plane to leave. I smiled at him and turned to leave. I glanced back right before the door closed and saw Jack holding back tears and waving.

When I arrived back in LA, I was surprised to see Tyler picking me up from the airport, but he soon explained that Mark was working on his new office space. We picked up a few pizzas before we went to meet Mark at the office. The three of us were talking about my time in Ireland as we ate. Just as we finished eating, Tyler looked at me, "(Y/N). This might sound bad, but I don't mean to. it's just I want to look out for you. When I heard you and Jack were together, I kinda did a little research and well... forty percent of all long-distance relationships end in breakups." I knew Tyler was right, but it still hurt to think about. "I know, but Sean and I are going to do our best." I told him with a smile.

I also knew that four and a half months is the average time of a long-distance relationship to last. As long as we could last that long, we will defeat the odds. Or so that is what I thought. A month after returning to LA, Jack came to visit he was fairly busy, but we did squeeze in a movie date and a few dinner dates. We agreed that in a month I would go to visit him again but plans didn't go as expected as I ended up in the hospital because I fractured my ankle while trying to teach Mark to ice skate. So we rescheduled my visit for the following month. Our schedules started to get busier as Jack started taking on new projects, and I started live streaming on weekends. A week before I was supposed to go visit Jack, he called me and had to cancel. He had a family emergency to tend to. On our three month anniversary, we had a Skype date, which was abruptly ended when our internet went out due to a storm. It was going downhill, and it broke my heart. The more we worked on our own channels, the more we got stressed. We started arguing over little things that weren't worth arguing over. The breaking point was the date of our four month anniversary when he blew me off without a word and went to a party with Signe.

Jack called me the next day, and he tried to apologize, and it took me all my strength to speak. "Sean, this isn't going to work." My voice was cracking, and I was fighting off tears. Jack sighed, "I know. I've been thinking that too.. I just really hoped it would." I felt a tear run down my cheek. "Please say it...I-I can't.." It was quiet between us for a few seconds before Jack cleared his throat. "I think we both can agree we need to break up.." My head dropped, and I let more tears fall. I knew this was coming, but I didn't know it would hurt so much. Jack soothed me, and we agreed to still talk and be friends because we still were so close, just we couldn't make a relationship work. Deep down, I didn't know what to expect. I would just have to take it all one step at a time.

A/N: So this was a really bad ending I am so sorry but I will be making a sequel which I will be starting with in the next week. I also will be starting a Joey aka J-Fred story. I will be starting the J-Fred story possibly this week or this weekend? I thank you all for reading this story and I will post an update to announce when the sequel is released and when the J-Fred story is posted for those who are interested. This has been an amazing time and I am so glad to have made so many of you happy through my writing. I will see you in the next story. Ohana!

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