(8) Just a Hiccup

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(Edited: Sept. 29, 2024)

A/N: Hey, so I made this chapter rather quickly, so I am sorry if it's bad. I also do want to give a quick heads up that this chapter may be a bit negative since it deals with a hate comment, but I tried my best to keep it clean so people aren't triggered. If any of you ever need someone to just vent and talk to, you can always message me, and I will listen to you and help the best I can. For now, on to the chapter. 

Things have been going well. I've got half of my videos done for when I'm gone at Pax. I was currently scrolling through my comments to find some for a Reading your Comments video when one caught my attention. Normally, hate didn't get to me, but this comment went deep. It wasn't just attacking my video quality it was attacking me personally. I sat there for an hour on the same comment, just reading it over and over, and each time my eyes read over the words, it hurt more and more, yet I couldn't turn away from it. I was so focused on the comment that I didn't even hear Mark knock and come into my room and start talking to me.

Mark sat next to me, and it was the bed shifting that finally broke the trance that I had fallen into. I looked over at Mark, whose worried face instantly changed into a frown as he moved my laptop and pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong (Favorite animal)? Why are you crying?" Mark asked quietly, wiping my tears away. I didn't even realize that I was crying. I didn't want to tell him because it might be foolish, but he could always help. I sniffled and looked over at my laptop, not wanting to trust my voice. Mark caught on to what I meant anyway and grabbed my laptop, which was still centered on the hate comment. I tried not to look at it and get stuck rereading it again. Heck, I've already read it so much that I probably have it memorized. Mark read it and put my laptop aside again and held me tightly.

"None of that is true. I know you and I can promise that you are better than that. It doesn't matter what you look like. You're beautiful as you are, and I'm not just saying that as a brother. I also know of so many people who would back me up on how amazing you are. You work your ass off to make others happy even if it takes something from you. So you know what," Mark lifted me off his lap till I was standing next to the bed. Mark stood up and looked down at me with a smile. "Get dressed. We are going on an adventure. Don't worry about your videos. I'll help you with them when we get home but for now get ready and be in my car in an hour." Mark kissed my forhead and exited my room before I could protest.

I sighed and closed my laptop. Feet dragging, I got ready for the adventure Mark was taking me on. I did want to go anywhere at the moment. I just wanted to lay in bed and do nothing. I didn't handle negativity well. It's a curse of mine. Forty minutes later, I left my room and went downstairs where Mark was waiting for me. We left the house, and Mark drove us playing one of my CDs on the way. He parked outside of an ice cream shop. We went in and got ice cream and went across the street to the park where we walked as we ate our ice cream. I was still dragging my feet, still thinking about the hate comment. When all of a sudden I walked into Mark, who jumped in front of me, making my ice cream bump up into my nose and mouth. I looked up at Mark, who grinned and took a picture of me on his phone. As soon as his phone was safely inside of his pocket, I took my ice cream cone and smeared some of it across Mark's cheek. The two of us kept smearing the ice cream on each others faces, and some of it unintentionally got in each of our hair.

Needless to say, after our ice cream war, we made our way back to the car to head home and shower. We got back to the house, and I just put my phone down when I was lifted over Mark's shoulder. Mark ran through the house and went out the back door, jumping into the pool with me. I screamed and laughed at Mark, who was laughing like a madman. We climbed out of the pool, and I pushed Mark back in before going into the shower. After my nice relaxing shower, I came out to find Mark laying on my bed with candy, hot chocolate, and popcorn. He looked like he showered, too, so I decided not to yell at him. I climbed into bed next to my brother, who played the movie, waiting on my tv.

The following morning, I woke up to my phone going off with a notification from Jack on Twitter. I opened the app on my phone and read the motivational tweet from Jack. I then scrolled through my other mentions and saw many other motivational tweets. After more and more scrolling, I found a tweet from Mark about my first bad hate comment and spending all day yesterday with me. I smiled and reread Jack's tweet. Mentally, I could hear him saying it, and it made it all the more meaningful. I got up and got dressed and set up my room for a vlog.

"Aaaaaloha creatures of E-arth and welcome to a VLOGGY-VLOG!!" I shouted the end, holding my arms out. I smiled and looked back at the camera, fidgeting a little. " So yesterday I was looking for comments for my next Reading Your Comments video when I came across some hate. Now normally hate doesn't bother me I just brush it off and move on to the next comment because I know realistically not everyone is going to like me or my channel and that doesn't bother me at all. But this comment hit deep. It pulled at my insecurities, and it really got me stuck. Of course, Mark ended up cheering me up by the end of the day, but what really got me was this morning when I woke up to everyone being so positive and motivational on Twitter. The reaction I saw from all of you is what I wanted to see in this family and not just between all of you watching and myself but to each other. If all of us could just support those around us and show them that it's okay, then that just makes the world a little brighter. Now, I also know that sometimes your insecurities can seem like they are drowning you. Yet those same insecurities are a life preserver because they are what keeps you different from the rest of the world. In society, we are cursed with always judging ourselves and comparing ourselves to others, but it doesn't have to be that way. Today, I want us all to start a project. Take an insecurity about yourself and turn it into something that you love about yourself. I'll give an example. My brother is the Markiplier. This makes me insecure because I'm always afraid my friends will use me to get close to him or now that I'm a youtuber that I'm using my own brother for followers. Yet I love having Mark as my brother. He is always there to help me when I am down, and he is so supportive and funny so as much as I hate it, I wouldn't wish for another brother. Now tomorrow I'm going to pick another insecurity and do the same thing to change it into something I love because as soon as I love and accept my insecurities the sooner others can't use them to hurt me. For now, that is all I have to say. Keep your chin up. Till next time, ohana!" I ended the video and took it to my computer to edit. As soon as it was edited, I uploaded it. 

Added little note. Many people in the comments have questioned what the message has said, but I will not actually post something about it. The message is just supposed to be something negative towards you and something that would affect you negatively. Everyone is different, so I didn't want to make a message that may not apply to others.

Also, if anyone is having a bad day and just needs to chat, my messages are there, and I will listen and give any advice that I can. Stay strong, ohana.

Little Boss Sisterplier (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now