(20) Dreams Do Come True

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 I woke up to a voice softly calling my name. I slowly opened my eyes to see a bright smiling face with shinning blue eyes. I smile at Jack and sit up a bit. Jack was seated on the edge of my bed with a tray of food on his lap. "Morning," I said softly with a smile. Jack kissed my head softly. "Morning little one. I made you breakfast." He passed the tray over and I smiled even more. "Thank you." Jack shook his head and looks down a bit, "No problem. When your done I was wondering if maybe you would like to go on a date?" I giggle softly and nod excitedly, "I'd love that. But I have to be home by three when Mark gets home."

Jack nods and gets up kissing my head again and left the room. I took my time eating as I debated what to wear. After I finished eating I got up and walked over to my closet. I pulled out jeans, cute boots, a red long sleeved shirt, and black scarf. I got dressed and went to do my hair normally. I didn't feel a need of dressing up too much for Jack he liked me the way I am so why try impressing him more than I already have? I looked over myself in the mirror before taking the tray to the kitchen and meeting Jack in the living room. He was on his phone so I guessed he was on twitter but when I peered over his shoulder I seen Pewd's Tuber Simulator. Jack and I got the game sent to us last night by Pewds and since we had been addicted. Jack put his phone away after a moment and turned to me. "Well hello there beautiful. Ready to go?" Jack smiled. I nod and grab my purse. Jack took my hand and we went out to my car.

We went for a walk in the park where we talked more about our childhood and family. His family sounded so amazing and nice. From the park we went to see a movie together. We pretty much cuddled and laughed all the way through the comedy that we agreed on seeing. By the time the movie was over we had enough time to stop and pick up some Chinese and head back before Mark would be home. In fact Jack and I were sitting in the living room eating and playing Tuber Simulator when Mark walked in the door. I looked over to see Mark's slightly worried face.

"Everything okay? Your car is warm and you never drive." Mark asked looking at me not even noticing that Jack was there. I nod and smiled softly at Mark. "I'm better now. I had to take my car because my bike is still at Matt's. I um.. I ran into Chris yesterday.. I needed someone so I went and seen Jack." I explained and looked over at Jack. Mark also glanced over at Jack as he came in and sat across from us. "You're okay though right?" Mark asked still a bit worried. I nod and lean over towards Jack. "Jack helped me through it last night."

Mark nods and looks down. "You know I was thinking.." Mark stated softly. "That's dangerous." I joke making Jack chuckle softly. Mark scowled before continuing, "Well I was thinking about how over protective I am. I'm just afraid of you getting hurt. You're my little sister I just want you to be happy and safe. Though, if you really want to go to Ireland I wouldn't want you to stay with anyone else besides Jack. He'll keep you safe and make sure you are okay on your visit." I looked at Mark shocked at his change in mind. I squinted my eyes at him in questioning, "Why the change of mind?" I ask slowly. Mark shrugged rubbing the back of his neck. "I was talking to Amy and well she just helps me think of things clearly. I really am sorry if I was rude to either of you about it."

Jack shook his head and went over patting Mark's shoulder. "You're an ass but you got a big heart. You just wanted to protect her and I understand that. She's fooking precious." Mark laughed and stood to hug his friend. I smile and stood up as well. Mark looked over at me with his arm around Jack still. "If you can have some of your stuff ready I'd be willing to send you back with Jack when he heads home." Mark smiled at me. My mouth dropped as I looked at Mark then over at Jack. "Are you serious?" I had to make sure this wasn't some joke. Mark nods with a smile. "You just need to pack your clothes. I'm sure Jack will share his office for a while when you are there." I felt my eyes tear up in happiness as I hugged Mark tightly. Mark held me close and Jack took a step back to give us our space. I mumbled a thanks against Mark's chest before taking a step back and hugging Jack who gave me a small kiss on the head. "You should get packing. I leave tomorrow evening." Jack smiled and I let go of him running off to my room to start packing.

"Thank you for taking care of her Jack." Mark said thankfully before his voice turned serious and cold. "I know she likes you and I know you like her but if you break my sister's heart I will not forgive you. Keep her safe." Jack looked Mark in the eyes and honestly said, "I'll protect her with my life."

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