(13) Late Night

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A/N: Surprise its an update! I got a chance to write and when I started writing it just started pouring through my mind and I typed this in like 30 minutes I swear. I also will be starting the next chapter so I can post that this week as well! Love you doves <3

Jack and I had just finished recording a few rounds of Worms W.M.D. together. We decided to watch some netflix together so we each ended our previous call to prepare. I changed into an old tshirt and some comfy pajama pants. Going to the kitchen I grabbed a soda and some chips before returning to my bedroom with my laptop. I set up and called Jack who looked like he had changed and was in his room as well. We both pulled up what we agreed to watch. Counting down we started at the same time. We sat there and watched the show as we snacked. After a few hours we closed out netflix. We talked about the characters and what happened for a while.

A knock on my door distracted me. "Yes?" I called out to whoever was behind the door. The door opened and I seen Ryan standing there looking really tired. Ryan, Matt, and Mark all went out earlier to eat and see a movie. "Just wanted to let you know Matt and I were back. Mark went over to Amy's. He said he would be back in the morning," Ryan explained. "Okay thanks Ryan. Go get some sleep you look like the walking dead," I joked earning a smile from him. Ryan mumbled a good night to me and left closing the door behind him.

I turned my attention back at Jack who still looked wide awake thankfully because honestly this is the closest I could get to hanging out with him at the moment. I smiled at him as he made a sly comment under his breath about Mark getting luck. "I heard that you perv." I teased. Jack chuckled and put on an overly dramatic innocent smile, "I don't know what you are talking about little one." I laughed softly shaking my head at him.

"So little miss (Y/N) I seen your first video the other day." Jack grinned which caused me to mentally facepalm. "I find it adorable that I'm an inspiration to you. It's truly a honor." Jack cooed slightly. I leaned my head back and took a breath so I wouldn't blush at all. I looked at the screen with a smile. "I mean it though. You are really awesome Jack." I commented my voice a bit soft showing that I was a bit embarrassed by it. "Its nothing really. I'm just being who I am." Jack shrugged taking a sip out of his much which I think he mentioned had tea in it. "That's the best part about it Jack. You are always just being yourself," I replied leaning back against the headrest of my bed.

--Small time skip to a few hours later--

Jack and I both had adjusted so we were laying down on our sides facing our laptops. We both agreed that we would be heading to bed soon as it was super late and Jack had pretty much been up all night. "So where is one place in the world you want to visit?" Jack asked fighting off a yawn. I closed my eyes for a moment as I thought about it. "Well is college I was suppose to go to Ireland for a semester but Mark was too paranoid that I would get hurt or lost or something that he convinced me not to go. Though I would really like to visit there someday," I answered my voice a soft murmur do to my tiredness. "Why Ireland? It sucks here," Jack chuckled softly. I smiled shaking my head lightly. "Its beautiful there. Not to mention now I could come visit you. The whole Irish culture is just so interesting to me." I shrugged looking at him.

Jack looked at me and if it wasn't for the fact that we were looking at each other through computer screens I would have guessed he was staring into my eyes with his sparkling blue ones. A large smile slowly spread across his face like he got a wild idea. "You should totally come visit!" Jack exclaimed louder than I expected which made me jump a little and stutter out, "W-what?" Jack's grin was still prominant on his face as he nods. "You should come to Ireland and visit me. I can show you around and you can stay with me. That way Mark won't have anything to worry about and you still get to see Ireland." Jack explained to me before letting out a yawn. I grinned and nod. "That sound great. We'll talk about it more in the morning once we aren't about to pass out okay?" I smiled at him letting out a yawn of my own. Jack nods and rubs his face. "I'll talk to you later. Night little one." Jack smiles softly. "Night booper." I replied with a smile before ending the call.

I just closed my laptop and set it aside on my nightstand before rolling over. I smiled imagining visiting Jack. I fell asleep only to dream about Jack's green hair, blue eyes, and warm hugs being around me as I am there with him in Ireland. A smile was planted on my face as I slept curled up happily in my bed.  

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