(7) Its as easy as 123

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 Within the first month of having my channel I gained 800,000 subscribers and that was just from playing prop hunt with Bob and Wade and my videos. The second month I had my account I did a few skits with Ryan and Matt which gave me another 65,000 subscribers. I stay connected with my fans on Twitter, instagram, snapchat, and tumblr. I tried my hardest to connect with my fans. During the third month I began doing a reading your comments video to work on my voices because Mark and I were getting ready to do our first ever collab together. Mark was going to do "Reacting to Sisterplier's first video" and then we were going to do a collab of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes. I sat to the side of Mark's recording room with Chica as I used my headphones to watch Jacksepticeye. Mark set up his recordings and started.

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to Markiplier reacts to Sisterplier's first youtube video. For those who may not know three months ago I did a video of table tug with my sister here on my channel while I was home to see her graduate. Since then she has started her own youtube channel, I'll leave the link to that in the description below. I have waited three months to do this video because I know it will get to me. My sister is one of the biggest people in my life and this is going to be so heartwarming to watch. So lets get into the video." Mark smiled and started the video. I didn't pay attention at all and even turned up my sound so I couldn't hear him at all because I was going to make my own reaction video about his reaction video just because I thought it would be funny and a way to tease him. Mark watched the video and made a few comments here and there and it just mainly had a lot of laughing and chuckling. After the video Mark looked at the camera and talked and he got louder that my sound and I looked over as Chica moved over to Mark and he quickly looked over at us and looked back at the camera. I could see him point back at me and then he waved me over. I came over still with my headphones in and sat on his lap. Mark laughed and pulled an ear bud out of my ear. "Am I a good brother?" Mark asked.

"Well there was that one time-" I started replying thinking about high school.

"Shut up Wade!" Mark objected making me laugh.

I hugged him and Mark did his outro and ended the recording. Mark and I went and got some chinese food. Then we came back to play and record our collab. Mark started with the bomb and I read the manual. We played a good few games before we blew up because I couldn't understand the manual. We then switched and played again where I was the Bomb Diffuser. Mark could not read the manual which I feel like he was doing on purpose so he made me blow up three times before we actually moved on. After recording we both took time to edit I also went and recorded another video for my channel which I edited. I uploaded the video for today on time and went to the kitchen. Matt and Ryan were talking about the next skit they want to do.

The next day after I posted my video of the day and edited one of my pre recorded videos I went to Mark's recording room. He was currently eating and chatting with Bob and Wade. I walked over and waved at them and Mark smiled. "Hey we're about to play Prop hunt want to watch?" Mark asked looking at me.

"Yes!" I smiled.

I pulled a chair up and sat down. I seen Jack join the call and then Mark started setting everything else up for prop hunt. They sat playing Prop hunt for a while before Mark needed to take a bathroom break. When he got up he gestured me to the computer as if telling me to play a round or two. I put on Mark's headphones and listened to the guys as I started another game I was a hunter with Bob and I knew the map fairly well so I quickly looked for what was out of place and found Wade quickly and Bob ended up finding Jack who was actually pretty well hidden. Mark came back and I gave him back his headphones. Mark had me sit on his lap and play a round as a prop. Mark laughed and joked with the guys as I played. Bob got stuck so he ended up dying first. So that just left me. I sit back against Mark and he laughed. "Bob knows." He told me then added, "So does Wade." I covered my mouth holding in my laugh. The time was nearly done when I started following Wade around and when Jack passed I followed him around till the time ran out. I got up and waved at the camera before moving back to my chair. I sat and watched the guys for another few minutes before going to my recording room to get ready to collab with Wade, Bob, and Mark. They just added me to their current call with Jack as they finished up.

As I set up my recording and opened the game, Dead by Daylight, I listened to the guys talk about the upcoming Pax Prime which was coming real soon. I wasn't paying attention too much to what they were talking about mainly because I didn't really plan to go to Pax but knowing my brother he would probably bring me with anyways. "Earth to (Y/N)! Hello??" Mark laughed. I made a small noise so he knew that he got my attention. "I was just talking with the guys and they said you should join my panel at Pax. Do you want to do that?" Mark asked. I sat there for a moment thinking before replying, "Yeah sure I'll join you dorks." After we finished a short talk about Pax Jack left the skype call and the rest of us started our rounds of Dead by Daylight. 

Little Boss Sisterplier (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now